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Teacher Intimidates Boy Over Anti-Hillary Shirt, His 4-Word Response Shuts Her DOWN

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Aug. 9, 2016

Though there are undoubtedly some who personally hold reservations about the candidate, a significant number of teachers in this country are supporting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House, seeing as the major teachers union has endorsed her campaign.

Thus, it came as no surprise for a father in Mississippi to learn that one of his son’s Clinton-supporting teachers took issue with an anti-Hillary T-shirt the boy wore to school recently.

What was surprising was the quick response by his son, Mason, to the teacher’s critical reaction, which prompted him to post a summary of the anecdote to his Facebook page.

Richard Gautier wrote, “So…Mason wore his ‘Hillary for Prison 2016’ shirt to school today. One of his Clinton-supporting teachers whom he’s has political discussions with asked, ‘Did you wear that for me?'”

So...Mason wore his "Hillary for Prison 2016" shirt to school today. One of his Clinton-supporting teachers whom he's has political discussions with asked, "Did you wear that for me?"

His reply, "No, for Chris Stevens."

Mic drop

“His reply, ‘No, for Chris Stevens,'” Gautier added. “Mic drop.”


In little more than three days since the pointed story was first posted, it had already been shared more than 3,000 times.

This is great, and would have been even better if we could have seen the no doubt shocked reaction from the teacher when the boy shut her up with a reference to the ambassador slain in the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack that many people hold Hillary Clinton at least partially responsible for.

Hopefully, the political shot fired across the bow by the quick-witted student will not lead to any sort of retaliatory action by the liberal teacher.

Instead, it would be good if the incident led the teacher to think deeper supporting the campaign of a scandal-plagued political insider with an abundance of questionable actions, behaviors and decisions throughout her long career.