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Who is Hillary’s Handler?

Mike Cernovich

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Aug.. 7, 2016

Michael Jackson, Prince, and Elvis would travel with a personal doctor who could administer needed life-saving drugs and attention during a crisis. Remember when you thought famous people like Michael Jackson and Elvis had good medical care? What’s Clinton on?

Hillary appears to travel with her own Michael Jackson/Elvis style doctor. Who is he?

We saw this first “doctor” or handler during Hillary’s recent freeze-up. You can see Hillary’s handler, who at first glance would not be considered the alpha male of the group, reassure Hillary, speak to her using hypnotic language, and then move the Secret Service Agents out of the way. This handler is not an ordinary SS agent.

Hillary has breakdown, is given mindset coaching - Imgur


Reactions to the first video were similar. This is a weird situation, and clearly the handler is not ordinary Secret Service.

You can watch the full video here.

Hillary’s handler is part of her inner circle.

Huma Abedin is the only person closer to Hillary than this man who handles her, picured on the left.

Hillary's handler doctor stroke

Here you see Hillary’s handler helping her walk up stairs.

Why can’t Hillary walk up a flight of steps?

Hillary being helped up stairs stroke

What is going on here?

Hillary stroke doctor

Hillary looks “out of it” again. You can see her handler whispering into her ear. Is he hypnotizing her?

Hillary seizure doctor

Here’s a picture of Hillary’s handler before he joined Secret Service. He’s in casual attire.

Something very clearly is wrong with Hillary.

Hillary Clinton has seizure when talking to reporters - Imgur


Hillary tries playing off the seizure by acting as if she had a “brain freeze.” As my medical experts explained to me, patients who suffer seizures become experts at playing it off.

Hillary also had a seizure at the DNC.

Hillary DNC seizure

Watch the full video of Hillary’s seizures here:

Hillary has suffered a brain injury during a fall. She either had a stroke, causing her to fall, or the fall caused her stroke. (Doctors were unsure whether the fall was the cause or effect of the stroke.)

The media is covering up Hillary’s obvious health problems.

Hillary’s health problems date back several years. Here you can see Hillary struggle to board an airplane, and then she falls down at the very end of the video.

Here you can see Hillary clearly fall down. Poor balance is associated with strokes/head injuries.

Hillary has frequent coughing fits, a side effect of her anti-seizure medication.

Coughin Hillary

What drugs does Hillary take?

Where is her medical history?

The media is completely covering up this story.

We will continue to investigate it aggressively.

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