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With Pence Pick Now Official, Trump May Have Just Broken The Ice With This HUGE Media Critic

Norvell Rose

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July 15k 2016

He’s made no secret of his deep dislike of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for president. In fact, he has given his millions of radio listeners and TV viewers many reasons for his pledge to never vote for Trump.

But with the presumptive nominee’s selection of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate — a choice made official with a Trump tweet Friday morning — Mark Levin may be coming ’round.

The syndicated radio talker and best-selling author dropped a clue about his possible change of heart on a segment of Levin

An early and enthusiastic supporter of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for the top of the GOP ticket in November, Levin declared in early April, “count me as never Trump,” adding, “I am not voting for Donald Trump. Period.”

After the billionaire businessman had won enough delegates to secure the nomination in early May, Levin continued his on-air campaign against Trump, telling his radio audience with his characteristic fervor, “We can’t even figure the hell out where he stands on the Constitution.”

Also in early May, in an essay on the Levin-managed website Conservative Review, the legal scholar and former Reagan aide blasted the New York developer for what Levin described as hypocrisy on free trade:

While Trump and his surrogates denounce free trade, proclaiming that they stand with and for America’s working men and women, they find it hard to explain away the billionaire’s own practices for most of his business career. As it turns out, Trump has never shown any qualms about using foreign labor, foreign capital and even foreign-owned companies to service his personal interests and acquire wealth.

Fast forward to Thursday, when word began to circulate that Trump would tap the current governor of Indiana and former congressman from the Hoosier State as his vice presidential choice. On a segment of his subscription-accessed digital TV channel, Levin seemed to relent somewhat in his assessment of Trump.

He actually called The Donald’s selection of Pence to be the No. 2 on the GOP ticket a “wise decision” from a conservative’s perspective.

You can see what else Mark Levin had to say about Mike Pence by clicking on the video below.

Maybe the decision to bring Mike Pence aboard the Trump train will accomplish what the brash businessman and his GOP critics — especially the staunchly conservative ones — have said the nominee needs to do: not only silence the #NeverTrump crowd, but also win them over in order to unify the party.