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New Trump’s pollster, Kellyanne Conway, should poll different VPs for Trump. I believe, a female VP might give Trump the best chance for winning the election

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ.

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July 13, 2016

Today Trump hired a well known GOP pollster, Kellyanne Conway. We have only 2 and a half weeks before the convention. It is crucial that Conway poll Trump’s chances of winning the general election with different VPs.

I know that Trump stated that he believes that he needs a VP with Washington experience to pass his bills through Congress. If Trump would have been far ahead in the polls, he could have the luxury to pick whoever he wants. However, this is not the case and first and foremost he needs to pick someone who will help him garner more votes, particularly women’s and minority votes to win the election.

For that reason, I believe, that Kellyanne needs to poll a combination of Trump with potential running mates and see which one will help him get more votes.

I don’t think Gingrich or Christie or Corker will do a thing for Trump. On the other hand, some female politicians, particularly minority female politicians might help Trump win the election.

Conway should poll which VP candidate will make you more or less likely vote for Trump:

  1. NM governor Susana Martinez- will bring women’s and minority votes as well as swing state of NM
  2. Senator Joni Ernst- a veteran of gulf war, will bring women’s and veteran’s votes and a swing state of IA
  3.   Former Congresswoman and OK governor Mary Fallin- will bring women’s votes and political experience
  4. Former Sec of State Condoleeza Rice- will bring women’s and minority votes, might even put CA on th map

After Conway picks a couple of VP candidates, who will bring the most votes, Trump should ask them to appear on TV networks to see that they can stand their ground under fire, that they are intellectual and knowledgeable and it will completely destroy Clinton’s talking points where she paints Trump as a misogynist (ani-women).