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Hillary Tries To Attack Donald Trump On CNN…It Backfires HORRIBLY

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May 20, 2016

In an interview Thursday with CNN, Hillary Clinton labeled her Republican rival Donald Trump “divisive and dangerous”, saying his recent behavior points to him not being qualified to be president.


Clinton unleashed her harshest attacks yet on Trump in an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

She pointed to Trump’s attacks on British politicians, his willingness to speak with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, his call for the United States to back away from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and his assertion that more countries should have nuclear weapons, and said it “adds up to a very troubling picture.”

“I know how hard this job is, and I know that we need steadiness as well as strength and smarts in it, and I have concluded he is not qualified to be president of the United States,” Clinton said.

When asked whether Trump was qualified in April, Clinton told CNN’s Jake Tapper, “Well, the voters will have to decide. I’m going to lay out my qualifications to be president.”

“When you run for president of the United States, the entire world is listening and watching,” she said. “So when you say you’re going to bar all Muslims, you’re sending evidence to the Muslim world, and you’re also sending a message to terrorists. … Donald Trump is essentially being used as a recruiter for more people to join the cause of terrorism.”

Trump later in the afternoon shot back in a statement, saying, “The fact that Hillary thinks the temporary Muslim ban, which she calls the “Muslim ban”, promotes terrorism, proves Bernie Sanders was correct when he said she is not qualified to be President.”

“Ask Hillary who blew up the plane last night — another terrible, but preventable tragedy,” the statement added. “She has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as president at this delicate and difficult time in our country’s history.”

Clinton said she will not respond to Trump’s attacks on her husband Bill and his marriage infidelities or treatment of women, but will focus her attacks on Trump on “what he says about other people.”

People on social media were also quick to fire back at Hillary’s claims of qualification.