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Rocky Montana

May 12, 2016

Telephone and Fax Paul Ryan And Other RINO Leaders, And Tell Them to "Get On Board With GOP Voters!"

(RINO: a politician who claims to be Republican but is in fact liberal or puppets of the liberal media (via bribery, blackmail, or plain old deceit), and therefore generally debase the winning conservative coalition base of the Republican Party.  In short, they are traitors to the Republican voters.)

The 27 GOP leaders in Congress (listed below) are showing their true colors; they are Rinos in Elephant's clothing.  Instead of initiators and followers of conservative Republican values, they are appear to be disrupters of them.  Just look at Paul Ryan's brief record as Speaker of the House: While speaking of conservative core values, Ryan acquiesced to the socialist-Democrat minority by not uniting Republicans in defeating the socialist $1.1 trillion Omnibus Spending Bill in December of 2015.  While he did not personally vote for the bill, he did not use his postition to defeat the bill.  This is a betrayal of those conservative core values that he feigns to regard so highly.   

These GOP leaders are part of the reason Congress has given practically everything socialist-Democrat, President Obama has demanded from Congress. They are part of the reason practically zero conservative solutions are discussed or put into action.  They have identified themselves with the Washington Establishment and place global interests and socialist ideals above national interests and conservative values.  They support the globalist agenda and care little about the needs of America.  They view "nationalism" as a "racist" word!  How dare they!  They have identified themselves as RINOs, Republicrats and Distrupters within the Republican Party, and as such, shouldn't we-the-people consider casting them out of the Republican Party and replacing them with true Republican conservatives?!?

And before you dismiss the above statements, I suggest you check-out the voting record of each of these RINOs.  Do their records square with your conservative core values?

Despite the fact that Donald Trump has won the GOP nomination, with more votes cast for him thus far than for any other GOP presidential nominee in history, these 29 key GOP leaders still refuse to support his candidacy.  The #NeverTrump boycott threatens to divide the Republican Party.  If allowed to continue, it will result in handing the presidency to socialist-Democrat Hillary Clinton, and if that happens, we can kiss this country good-bye.  Below are the key GOP Disrupters opposing Trump or refuse to give him their support at this time.  Telephone and/or Fax these GOP Obstructionists and tell them to "Get On Board With GOP Voters!"  Ones running for reelection in 2016 are highlighted in red.


Current List Of RINO (GOP) Disrupters:


 Name                               State               Phone                    Fax

Rep Paul Ryan                      WI    R            202-225-3031        202-225-3393

Rep Justin Amash                MI     R           202-225-3831        202-225-5144

Rep Carlos Curbelo            FL     R            202-225-2778        202-226-0346

Rep Bob Dold                       IL      R            202-225-4835        202-225-0837

Rep Richard Hanna             NY    R            202-225-3665        202-225-1891

Rep Reid Ribble                    WI     R            202-225-5665        920-380-0051

Rep Scott Rigell                   VA    R             202-225-4215        202-225-4218

Rep Ileana Lehtinen            FL    R             202-225-3931        202-225-5620

Rep Mark Sanford                SC    R           202-225-3176          202-225-3407

Rep Mike Coffman               CO    R            202-225-7882         202-226-4623

Rep Barbara Comstock      VA    R            202-225-5136          202-225-0437

Rep Ann Wagner                  MO   R            202-225-1621         202-225-2563

Rep ` Kevin McCarthy         CA    R            202-225-2915         202-225-2908

Rep Steve Scalise                LA    R            202-225-3015          202-226-0386

Rep Luke Messer                 IN     R            202-225-3021          202-225-3382

Rep Cathy Rodgers             WA   R            202-225-2006          202-225-3392


Senator Ben Sasse              NE    R          202-224-4224           202-228-0436

Senator Dean Heller             NV     R         202-224-6244           202-228-6753

Senator Lindsey Graham    SC   R           202-224-5972           202-224-3808

Senator Jeff Flake                 AZ    R          202-224-4521           202-228-0515

Senator Jerry Moran            KS    R         202-224-6521            202-228-6966

Senator Mitch McConnell    KY    R         202-224-2541           202-224-2499

Senator SusanCollins          ME   R          202-224-2523           202-224-2693

Senator John Thune            SD    R         202-224-2321            202-228-5429

Senator John Cornyn          TX    R         202-224-2934             202-228-2856

Senator Orrin Hatch             UT    R         202-224-5251             202-224-6331

Senator John Barrasso       WY   R         202-224-6441             202-224-1724


Governor Charlie Baker      MA    R        617-725-4005              617-727-9725

Governor Susana Martinez NM   R        505-476-2200              505-476-2226