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Hillary Clinton is going to be exonerated on the email controversy. It won’t matter.

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The Queen will be King, and the Donald, who all think is America's Savior , will -- after Hillary gets settled back into the oval office, and is finished naming her new lesbo dike cabinet members -- pay a second visit to Shelson Adelson to pick up the rest of the payment he was promised for having stayed in long enough to get the nomination, for making it looked like he actually had a chance, and for putting on a convincing campaign. 

Remember Sports Fans, the Kikes control it all, both sides, all the candidates, nothing is ever left up to chance, and hasn't been since before the Civil War. There never was any election, it's all smoke and mirrors to fool the ignorant public, who are forever toyed, and played with by the jew, sometimes for personal amusement, but most of the time for keeping up appearances.