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March 31, 2016

Interesting in the confluences of the events that are stalking the world at present in the form of the US grab for power presidentially and the once upon-a-time notions of Camelot and Kingdoms that aspired to a greater humanity and healthy wellbeing – as Krishnamurti has said long ago.  "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." "Tradition becomes our security. And when the mind is secure, it is in decay."


About The Trump Candidacy


SOMETIMES GREAT POLITICAL THEATER offers more than just entertainment. The responses of the electorate and the political establishment to the candidacy of Donald Trump make for a great case-in-point, as they highlight some very important truths to the discerning eye:


Truth No. 1: Americans are sick of war and the costs of war and the lies about the reasons for war.


Donald Trump is NOT doing so well because he appeals to some vulgarity in the character of lots of Americans. Or, more accurately, Trump is not doing so well because he makes any meaningfully-greater appeal to such vulgarity than any other candidate. They ALL speak like ill-bred and ill-educated boobs on matters of Muslims, trade agreements and economics in general, and most of the rest of what establishment politicians and their media shills use to hypocritically criticize Trump.


Rather, Trump is doing so well because he appears to be the candidate least likely to perpetuate and expand United States military aggression, and also because he therefore appears to be the candidate most likely to break the military-industrial-congressional complex's grip on Americans' shoulders, by which it pins them in place with one hand while the other digs in their pockets for cash in between assaults on the Constitution.


Truth No. 2: Americans are sick of the neo-cons and their bs.


The electorate has awakened to the fact that even if the bogeymen and alleged "threats to national interests" cited by the neo-con cabal to justify its perpetual-war policies and demands for ever-greater sacrifices of liberty, blood and treasure are actually true, the damage from these "solutions" is greater than anything those hobgoblins could inflict. And increasing numbers of Americans are awakening to the fact that the hobgoblins aren't real anyway.


Truth No. 3: The threat felt by the elite from Trump, just as from any candidate outside their ranks, is a threat to THEIR interests, not yours and mine.


The foaming-at-the-mouth opposition to Trump  by "establishment" candidates and their media shills has nothing to do with concern for the well-being of you, me, or America. The reason for that rabid, maniacal opposition is the threat Trump represents to 1) the neo-con agenda, 2) the gravy-train of the "made-men" of the political establishment, 3)  the continued ascendancy of the military-industrial-congressional complex, and 4) the police-state that ascendancy brings in its wake.


While a Trump presidency may well be dangerous for the rest of us in some fashion or another, solicitude for the interests of flyover-country is not what's on the minds of the John Kasichs and the Hillary Clintons and the folks at NPR or the RNC. People in those places got where they are by a close and exclusive attention to the interests of "number one" (and those of their special-interest clients who reward "number one" for good service) and that's what we're seeing from them now.


NONE OF THE FOREGOING is a commentary on the virtues of a Trump presidency in any other respect than the apparently lower threat he poses than the other candidates of pushing us into a war with Russia or of perpetuating and expending the so-called "war on terror" and all its domestic political pathologies. But, of course, this is a VERY important respect...


Otherwise though, as mentioned above, Trump is an econmic illiterate, like all the others. Like all others, he presents at least a facade of cultural and political vulgarity.


Trump is in no way a White Knight who is going to shut down the fed, broom out the corrupt federal judiciary, hand walking-papers to a few million federal bureaucrats or restore the republic in any other way-- at least not deliberately and as part of a plan. In short, Donald Trump is no Ron Paul.


THAT SAID, HOWEVER, THERE IS one important difference between Trump and the others. Unlike the rest, what is bad about Trump's positions is not because the badness serves his (or his owner's) agenda, as is true of all the rest.


In Trump's case, he just doesn't know any better. Unlike Hillary Clinton or Marco Rubio, who are how they are because they've been paid to be, or whose rise to their current spots in the political hierarchy is due to their actual embrace of the evil policies of statism, Trump is not a dyed-in-the-wool statist, and he can learn and change bad positions, where these others never will, by predisposition or by policy.


Further, because Trump's positions are not deliberately wrong-headed, while those of his detractors and competitors are, Trump is least likely of the bunch of them to expand and worsen the problems caused by past policies, even if he learns nothing going forward. Bombastic Donald Trump isn't going to channel "Silent Cal" Coolidge from the standpoint of personal style, but he might from a policy point-of-view


FINALLY, THERE EXISTS THE REMOTE POSSIBILITY that Trump might actually do a little housecleaning of Mordor-on-the-Potomac, rather than just not make things steadily worse, as all the others would certainly do. One other feature Trump offers to an angry America that is reaching limits of its restraint with institutional corruption and the steady assault on the rule of law by government is his lack of ingrained, this-is-how-I-got-here habits of log-rolling and back-scratching and looking the other way with a wink and a nod.


The American political culture has become an unfunny satire, well-exemplified by each occasion on which some public official or another declares him- or herself to "take responsibility" for some evil or disastrous failure, and then nothing happens. No resignation; no impeachment; no charges; no changes.


That farcical play-acting at statesmanship is what everyone in authority in Washington is used to, and it never even occurs to them that it isn't good enough. Or they look on it as what protects them, too.


But Donald Trump might actually hand out some red cards or some pink slips. If he were to do so every time an executive office-holder or bureaucrat messed up, a million bad apples would be chucked out of the barrel, even if Trump only got one term in office.


So here's my bottom line: GO TRUMP!


BTW, ANYONE WHO THINKS it has been Bernie Sanders supporters disrupting Trump campaign events is naive enough to BE a Bernie Sanders supporter. Bernie Sanders supporters are not the culprits here.


Those with reason to fear the pissed-off Americans Trump's candidacy is arousing are pros at "false flag" operations, and anyone can buy a box of "Feel the Bern" T-shirts. These disruptions have the fingerprints of establishment spin-meisters all over them, and again, they're the ones with the motive. If disruptions were happening at Clinton rallies, it might be rational to buy the notion that Sanders supporters are responsible. But not when it's Trump events.






Where the problem of the state gets solved, not just complained about.


 In this week's Newsletter Mid-Edition Update:


Are You Engaged In ANY Argument With Any Government Agency Concerning The Tax?


WHETHER YOUR CONTEST IS IN THE LEGAL ARENA or the administrative, pre-empt any "insincerity" dodge (which is the desperate last ditch of all government efforts to resist CtC-educated claims) by getting a true and accurate version of this affidavit into the record.






A Petition For En Banc (Full Court) Re-Hearing Of Doreen's Appeal Has Been Filed


THE BY-ANY-MEANS-NECESSARY EVASIONS OF THE PANEL THAT ISSUED A DENIAL of the appeal on March 11 are both transparent and a deadly threat to the rule of law. See them dispassionately discussed in the petition filed on March 25 with the court; or see the somewhat warmer and more alarm-bell oriented "inspiration for journalists" version.




Also featured in this week's Lost Horizons Newsletter Mid-Edition Update:


Paul Smith Explains How Americans Can Restore The Republic [video]




Have I Ever Mentioned That The Revelations Of CtC Are Targeted By Trolls?




Wanted: Your Articles




Regarding State Group Membership




The Educated American's Tax Filing Flow Chart




Why Are You Not Doing This?




Project Paradigm Shift




Test Your "Income" Tax IQ



A "Pragmatic" Perspective On The Tax And The Rule Of Law



Illuminating Anniversaries For This Week



Your Comments



...and much, much more!


To read these articles, and much more of interest to any liberty-minded American, see

The Lost Horizons News Mid-Edition Update


And if you are serious about the restoration of liberty and the rule of law in our lifetime, please forward this email to everyone you know!