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THIS is How Trump Will Beat Hillary, The Media REFUSES to Report It

Angry Patriot

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March 28k 2016

The question looming on the minds of many Americans isn’t speculation about whether or not Donald Trump will become the Republican nominee, its if he can beat Hillary Clinton.

A new Boston Globe reports say yes indeed Trump can beat Hillary, because Clinton “is threatened by factors that are unexpected, unusual, and unique.”

Donald Trump will reportedly be using Clinton’s own record from her time as Secretary of State to yank the presidency out of the grasp of the former First Lady. Hillary’s promise to renew support of allies fighting ISIS, without offering a specific plan to defeat the terrorists, has left many voters feeling unsatisfied.

Clinton surrogates have stated the Democrat is planning on taking the “high road” when she meets Donald Trump on the debate stage and will focus upon “substantive policy issues.”

Go ahead and memorize some policy issues talking points and try to convey them into a microphone without sounding like a career politician robot, Hillary – and we can all sit back and enjoy watching Trump mop the floor with you!

Hillary has been sheltered from the real world for decades and she will have no clue how to compete a street fighter like Donald Trump. He will go for the jugular and exposes all of her flaws, failings, and general anti-American “substantive” policies.

Once Trump has yanked all of the Clinton skeletons out of the closets, Hillary will finally be exposed as the flip-flopping opportunistic professional politician she has always been.

Donald Trump’s plans are simple, protect American and help her prosper by any legal means necessary. It’s simple, to the point, and easy to convey because it does not require polishing by script writers or outright lying about past actions.

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