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Jeb's revenge? Rush outlines establishment's anti-Trump plot

Douglas Ernst

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Radio host Rush Limbaugh warned his millions of listeners on Tuesday that members of the Republican establishment have a blueprint for foisting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on the American people despite his disastrous campaign.

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Donald Trump is well on his way to winning the 1,237 delegates needed to becoming the 2016 Republican presidential nominee, but Limbaugh said a liberal reading of the convention committee rules may allow GOP insiders to deny the billionaire his due. He cited a Daily Caller article published Sunday that said first-ballot delegates are not bound to vote for the candidate that won their state’s primaries.

“I’m just telling you, if they succeed in this, if they deny Trump or Ted Cruz 1,237 delegates by the end of the primary process, I’m here to tell you Jeb Bush is gonna be the nominee. That’s what they’re gonna do. That’s what they’ve always wanted,” said Limbaugh. “Jeb himself said back on Dec. 14, 2014, when this whole process started, Jeb said that his strategy was to lose the primaries and win the nomination. And everybody said, ‘What? How you gonna do that?'”


Donald Trump (Photo: Twitter)

The conservative icon said Ohio Gov. John Kasich will falsely believe he will be picked to sideline Trump if he can win his home state.

“If not Jeb, they’ll go Romney.” said Limbaugh.”The GOP is throwing every egg in its basket in Ohio today. They’re saying that the future of the party is in Ohio today. The future of the GOP hangs in Ohio. What that means is Kasich’s gotta win Ohio. If Kasich wins Ohio, the establishment is still alive, and that way they can engineer a contested convention where they run, that they can then install whoever they want.”

One of Limbaugh’s listeners from North Carolina called in and said there would be “hell to pay” if Trump is denied the nomination due to back-room deals.

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“If Donald Trump gets the 1,237 and he doesn’t get the nomination, then there’s gonna be hell to pay. But if he doesn’t get the 1,237, then anything goes  and it’s, like, okay. That’s part of the rules, and we gotta be okay with that,” said Vernon from Winston-Salem.

“No, no. This is crucial,” countered Limbaugh. “If Trump, let’s say, gets to 1,200  he’s 37 short  and they engineer a way to take it away from him, there’s gonna be hell to pay, because 1,200 minus 37? Yeah, the rule’s the rule, but the preference will have been expressed by the voters.

Limbaugh’s theories will soon be put to the test. Kasich secured victory in his home state on Tuesday, besting Trump 43 percent to 37 percent. The Ohio governor netted 66 delegates and brought his overall total to 129.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh told listeners on March 15, 2016, that members of the Republican establishment will probably try to force Jeb Bush on voters at an open convention (Photo: screenshot)


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