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March 15, 2016theunhivedmind 5 comments

Anonymous declares ‘total war’ on Donald Trump

Calls campaign ‘hateful’ and his ideas ‘appalling.’

Roberto Baldwin , @strngwys

Donald Trump is in the sights of hacktivist collective Anonymous again. On March 4 the group, posted a video declaring “total war” on the presidential candidate. It hopes to not only bring down many of Trump’s sites, but also halt his presidential bid by uncovering and exposing embarrassing information. “We need you to shut down his campaign and sabotage his brand,” said a Guy Fawkes-masked individual in the video.

Trump has been targeted because according to the masked activist, “your inconsistent and hateful campaign has not only shocked the United States America, you have shocked the entire planet with your appalling actions and ideas.”

Using the #OpTrump hashtag, the collective is asking for help to bring down on April 1. It also plans to target personal and business sites like,, and the candidate’s online presidential destinations including and

The collective has already posted unverified personal information about Trump and staff, including his social security number.

This is the second time Trump has been targeted by the group. Anonymous posted a message to the candidate in 2015 regarding his comments concerning Muslims.


March 15, 2016 at 4:25 am

Real truth sayers and hackers don’t have JewTube channels because the Zionists censor our words hitting the masses. Always be weary of those who claim to speak the truth but have JewTube channels because most will be either low-level or all-out paid pied-pipers creating diversions. Anonymous continue to expose themselves as Langley shills where the agency will occasionally sacrifice one of its low-level bedroom hackers who fell into its trap and by doing this Langley then fools the herd and Anonymous members into thinking it’s a legit people hacking force when in fact it’s a British SIS/American CIA stooge. It’s interesting Anonymous isn’t digging up the dirt on Hillary Clinton isn’t it and instead focusing on Trump. The worst Trump might do is pass gambling laws to allow some Trump casinos, the worse Hillary will do is complete WW3! Do you want to know why the elites are turning on Trump? He’s a billionaire who even has stools which are currency he’s that loaded with around six billion dollars and thus he has the potential to be highly dangerous as he doesn’t need to be paid off by Zionist and New Venice forces if he really doesn’t want to. So even if he’s still controlled within the system at this minute, he could easily do a John F Kennedy on the vermin at any damn time and this frightens the establishment because they’ve had all other runners and presidents in fear since Kennedy’s assassination but now someone like Trump could be difficult to manage and the Empire is weary as hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if a number of fake stories come out about Trump claiming he’s a paedophile or a murderer etc just to get the herd turning against him. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see Trump start to have some financial problems with his businesses. This is why we need a different system in place like the BRICS where by the Maltese Templar vermin cannot changes the rules of the game because this game wouldn’t be their game anymore. So my advice to Trump would be to switch into the BRICS system (currency etc) and dump the bankrupt trans-atlantic monetary system controls. By getting out of the rigged game then his backing can continue without the possible withdrawing of him at any point initiated by the Maltese Templars who run and rig their game which Trump was allowed to share in. Those who giveth can taketh at any time and usual do so keep your eyes on Trump dealings because the FBI Division Five have screwed Trump over numerous times they lift him up and he enjoys it but then they hinder him only to do it all again. It’s all a game to try and make it clear who’s really the boss of bosses.


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`·-☆ The Unhived Mind


March 16, 2016 at 6:54 am

If you ever wondered about whether or not Anonymous consisted of good guys, you now have your answer. During Occupy LA, I spoke to several Anonymous people, and they were good guys. However, all good things come to and end at the hand of the CIA, and no doubt Anonymous got infiltrated and has been sidelined into irrelevance. Having Anonymous stand against Donald Trump proves that at this time, Anonymous is not working for us.

-Jim Stone


March 16, 2016 at 6:59 am

Anonymous has been an intelligence mastered operation since day one! I’ve explained how these groups are mastered and how they continue to guise the true Wizard of Oz pulling the strings. All you do is round up a bunch of very capable hackers together utilizing forums etc. All these hackers are young unemployed real teenagers etc and some may even meet in person which helps to gain more members as things look legit. At the very top CIA/FBI/SIS command these fooled hackers and when a sacrificial lamb is needed to keep the game fooling the herd then a neighbour of yours is hung out to dry for doing what those who’re jailing him for asked him to do. Now everyone of the herd things wow that was my neighbour and this group must be freedom fighters. Real hackers don’t have social media accounts they’re banned from sites like JewTube! True hackers are seen by the true elite as a major threat as the elite are fully exposed to such people like never before. Watch as true hackers are censored, suppressed and very harshly sentenced.


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`·-☆ The Unhived Mind


March 16, 2016 at 11:19 am

Trump may be a criminal, but he is not a mass murdering satanist, as far as we know. He would be a better choice than Hilary.

The elite are scared because Trump and Putin like each other. That is very scary for them!


March 16, 2016 at 11:24 am

Yes Trump might just join the U.S. into the BRICS and wave night night to the New Venice Empire :)