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BREAKING: We Just Identified Man Who ATTACKED Trump, This EXPLAINS Everything [VID]

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As Trump’s dominance in this election cycle continues to grow, the leftist media, accompanied by unhinged leftists, are doing everything they possibly can to stop the TRUMP TRAIN including paying professional protesters and even paying liberal protesters to impersonate Trump supporters. Unbelievable.

The man who rushed the stage at Trump’s Dayton, Ohio rally is in fact, a paid protester and we have the proof.

Secret Service agents rushed to protect U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on stage during a disturbance at a rally on Saturday, a day after rowdy protests shut down his event in Chicago, Reuters reports.


Trump briefly ducked at the podium and four Secret Service agents scrambled to surround him after a man apparently broke through a security perimeter near the stage at Dayton International Airport in Ohio.

Agents then grabbed the man, dressed in a black tee shirt and jeans, and hauled him away.

His motivation was not immediately clear, and Trump went on to finish his speech, but the incident further increased tension after Trump’s Chicago rally was abandoned amid chaotic scenes on Friday.

That man has been identified as Thomas Dimassimo. He was charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic, Dayton International Airport Police Chief Mike Etter reported.

Here’s Thomas Dimassimo protesting the American flag on the campus of Wright State:

Here’s the liberal punk dragging Old Glory on the ground: