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Is A Vote For Marco Rubio A Vote For Jeb Bush-VP?

Rocky Montana

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Rocky Montana

March 7, 2016

When Jeb Bush suspended his campaign in the Republican Presidential Primaries on Feb. 20, 2016, after spending over $130 million in the first three primary-caucus states, it was apparent to all that the Republican Presidential Nomination cannot be bought, no matter how much money Jeb and his Super Pac spend.  The American citizens had given Jeb Bush a resounding thumbs down.

End of the Bush Dynasty?

"The people of Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken and I really respect their decision, so tonight I am suspending my campaign." --Jeb Bush

Many Americans must have thought: finally, this is the end of the Bush Dynasty in American politics.  But is it?  Bush only "suspended" his campaign.  What might this mean?  Just this: if Washington Establishment candidate Marco Rubio wins the Republican Nomination, Jeb Bush may well become Marco Rubio's VP running-mate.  Partial confirmation of this scenario can be found in a recent report by Sorcha Faal (Ref: DONALD TRUMP FREEMASONIC FORCES TARGET MARCO RUBIO-JEB BUSH 'COCAINE EMPIRE').  Recommended for reading, the report reveals a new chapter in the "Bush Crime Family" story as well as some interesting information about Republican front-runner Donald Trump. 

If the report is indeed true, it would appear that Rubio and Bush have a lot more than their Catholic faith in common.  These revelations would also explain why both Establishment candidates have such a soft U.S.-Mexico border policy while claiming to be conservatives. 

Prior to Jeb Bush dropping out of the Republican Primary, the Washington Establishment had been supporting Establishment candidate Marco Rubio as their top GOP choice, and John Kasich as a back-up choice.  Marco Rubio owes Jeb Bush a great debt for both Jeb Bush's political mentoring and support of Marco Rubio throughout Rubio's political career and for the reasons outlined in Sorcha Faal's report and other documents now surfacing.  Such help and support comes with a great price.  The price: Marco Rubio is a bought-and-paid-for politician, indentured to Jeb Bush and the Bush Crime Family for the duration of Rubio's political life.  If Marco Rubio becomes the Republican nominee Jeb Bush may be given Rubio's VP position as partial payment for Rubio's debt owed. 

Scenario of a Rubio-Bush Presidency:  

1.    The Bush Crime Family takes political control over America once again, for another four to sixteen years, with Jeb Bush controlling policy from behind the scenes and Marco Rubio becoming another puppet President with no real power or policies of his own. 

2.    "The War On Drugs" will continue to be a farce; drug and human trafficking will continue uninterrupted and criminals and terrorists will continue to easily enter through a porous southern U.S.-Mexico border. 

3.    Amnesty would be given to all illegal immigrants currently living in the U.S. as occurred under the Reagan-Bush administration.  

4.    The federal government will continue to usurp more land and power away from the states.  No real change will occur in the existing so-called "Free Trade" treaties.  

5.    Americans will continue to lose more jobs as more corporations leave the U.S. for more favorable business conditions. 

6.    Common Core and Planned Parenthood will probably remain untouched as will other Rubio campaign promises. 

7.    The Supreme Court and lower court judicial appointments will be Bush cronies. 

8.    It will be business as usual.  

Background of the Bush Crime Family relating to drug trafficking:

The Bush Crime Family got started in a major way nearly 100 years ago, starting with George H.W. Bush's maternal grandfather, George Herbert Walker.  Walker, a wealthy banker and businessman, was on the board of directors of the American International Corporation, a satellite of the Federal Reserve, that financed Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution.  George H.W. Bush's (President 1989-1993) drug trafficking activities goes back to the 1950's when Bush was president and CEO of Zapata Offshore Oil Drilling Company, an oil drilling company in the Gulf of Mexico.  The Zapata oil drilling platforms were used to unload heroin from fishing boats.  The drugs were then taken ashore via oil drilling crews and equipment boats, thereby avoiding inspections.  At some point, cocaine was added to Bush's drug-smuggling resume.  In the early 1980's, as worldwide oil prices fell, Zapata suspended its offshore oil drilling operations and created three new subsidiaries and partnerships, Zapata Commercial Fishing Company, Zapata Gulf Marine Corp., and Zapata Cattle Company, all of which could have been used as a cover for its highly lucrative drug smuggling business.  For instance, it has been reported that the Zapata Cattle Company has, for many years, imported large amounts of cattle from Mexico.  It was speculated that drugs could have been smuggled inside the stomachs of cows as cows have 20 times the capacity of humans.  It has further been reported that tractor-trailer rigs were used to transport the cattle had secret built-in compartments and that border customs agents were paid-off every time they flagged a drug truck through the border crossing without stopping at inspections.  Jeb Bush became involved with his father's business activities during the 1980's.  Read more on Jeb Bush in the following report. (Ref: Ray Renick's San Luis Obispo "Connections", CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, August 24, 1993, Volume 2, Number 9, Pages 22-30.)  

Beware, a vote for Marco Rubio will very likely result in a Rubio-Bush criminal presidency and the continued downfall of the United States of America

Rocky Montana