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The election is clearly and obviously being stolen

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March 6, 2016

The people are speaking, and Kikedom is doing whatever it wants. This will only be stopped via violent and bloody revolution. Trump is offering a peaceful solution, and the people obviously want the Trump solution. My estimate is that to date, over 35 percent of Trump's rightful delegates have been stolen via election rigging. And that cannot be allowed. The Jewish establishment really is forcing violence to be the only answer.

Violence is obviously my last choice, and the last option. What are the American people going to do, now that it is rapidly becoming the only option? If the American people do not lash out against the Jewish community in the nastiest conceivable way after THIS rigged election, it is GAME OVER, you will be sent down the cattle chute and live the smallest insignificant life deserved by a PIG, which they firmly believe you are.

Massive vote fraud in Kansas, with over 50 percent of Trumps votes stolen. Auto bans on forums and comment sections for pointing it out. Massive troll teams calling Trump violent, scary, and bigoted in response to people who say anything in favor of Trump.

Trump has now said the EPA and Department of Education will be disbanded if he gets in. Those two agencies are awful close to being the biggest enemies of the American people, and of America's future. Obviously the biggest two are the prison/legal system and the family courts. But the EPA and Department of Education are awful close second, and for Trump to target those really means A PEACEFUL SOLUTION IS ON THE TABLE. THE JEWISH COMMUNITY HAS EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE A PEACEFUL SOLUTION BY SIMPLY NOT RIGGING THIS VOTE. IF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY SAYS NO TO A PEACEFUL SOLUTION, WHATEVER HAPPENS NEXT IS THEIR OWN DAMN FAULT.


March 5 2016