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March 6, 2016

"He's an outsider, he's not them, he's not part of the club, he's uncontrollable. He has not been through the initiation rites, he did not belong to the secret society"

This video is a major problem for the global elite, Newt might get nailed for messing up this badly. This video can be saved by right clicking it and "SAVE LINK AS". SAVE IT AND RE-POST IT EVERYWHERE, ARCHIVE AND POST!

Things that will Really make America great again:

Trump is the only candidate that has any of the following:

This started as a message and was added to.

1 Stop going to war with 3rd world countries

2 Not voting for Demorats or Republicans

3 Produce things that people actually want to buy

4 Arrest dual citizen traitors

5 Develop a foreign policy that is actually a policy

6 Stop bombing the rest of the world into "democracy"

7 Stop using the war machine to steal the world's resources

8 Stop being the policeman of the world

9 Stop leaving the home front inadequately defended while having 800 foreign bases.

10 Stops robbing the public horribly via a corrupt medical system

11 Ditch common core education

12 Arrests the 911 perps

13 Arrest Clinton before she flushes the nation completely down the shitter

14 Realize that we are indeed in the Asian century and that no amount of pivoting by the USN will change the fact that the USA is waning as an empire like the 6 major world powers before it

15 Fixing America's back yard before worrying about everyone elses.

16 Comes to the understanding that when a dollar is worth a dollar the world will be a better and fairer place for all.

17 Has the people wake up and realize that "separation of church and state" does not mean doing away with religion entirely.

18 Stops using the best universities to train people from enemy nations who will return home with knowledge, only to back stab America.

19. Makes the Federal Reserve truly Federal and not a Jewish rip off scheme.

20 Stop putting third world countries with criminally cheap labor ahead of the U.S. by allowing that standard to compete with the American standard of treating employees well.