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Updated Feb. 8, 2016

Rocky Montana

Feb. 8, 2016

Former Florida Governor and Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush worked for Lehman Brothers Bank just before it collapsed in September 2008.  Bush is reported as working as an "advisor" for Lehman Brothers Investment Bank in 2007-2008. When Lehman Brothers went belly-up, Bush jumped ships and went to work for Barclays Bank, a British Investment Bank, and continued working there until 2014, when he decided to run for the office of President.  As reported by CNN, Bush earned more than $14 million working for both Lehman Brothers and Barclays Investment Banks.

Bush states on his tax returns: "I also was hired as a senior advisor to Barclays where I advised their clients on a wide range of global economic issues with a mind towards navigating government policies."  It is the only sentence that refers to his time at Barclays.  And he doesn't’ mention Lehman at all.

Ohio Governor and Republican Presidential candidate John Kasich also worked for Lehman Brothers, joining the banking firm's division as managing director in 2001 and also working there until the firm's collapse in September 2008.  As reported by CNN, Kasich earned 100's of thousands of dollars in bonuses on top of his Lehman Brothers salary.  He was also rewarded with $330,000 in campaign contributions.  Side note: Have you seen John Kasich speaking in the GOP debates?  When he talks, he apparently can't help moving his head from side to side and flailing his arms up and down like a puppet on strings--a Washington Establishment puppet, that is.  And his hair and eyes look like he just fell out of bed.  It's creepy!

The Lehman Brothers Investment Bank failure unleashed the 2008 global panic and Investment Bank crisis, which led to the largest Big Bank failures and bail outs in American history as well as the largest world-wide recession since the Great Depression of from 1929 through the late 1930s.  Jeb Bush and John Kasich were right there, in the thick of it, both given large sums of money for their so-called "services".  Neither one of them had previous professional Investment Banking experience or college education.  No honest business in the world would reward its employees during the time it is collapsing and goes out of business.  So what do you think is really going on here?  The robbing and stealing from the bank's share holders and bond holders, perhaps?  And at the same time, it was the Federal Reserve who used strong-arm scare tactics to coerce the Federal Government and the American people to "bail-out" the biggest "too big to fail" Wall Street Investment Banks.  And it was Jeb Bush's brother, President George W. Bush, who authorized the "emergency" Wall Street Investment Bank "bail-out" program.  This is referred to as cronyism and crony capitalism and is what is wrong with America.


Cronyism - favoritism shown to friends and associates (as by appointing them to positions without regard for their qualifications).
Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of dirigisme.  Crony capitalism is believed to arise when political cronyism spills over into the business world; self-serving friendships and family ties between businessmen and the government influence the economy and society to the extent that it corrupts public-serving economic and political ideals.
--The Free Dictionary

Note that it was Herman Lehman, head of the Lehman Brothers Investment Bank of New York, and other conspirators (see below) who in the fall of 1908 met at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club in the fall of 1908, located on Jekyll Island, Georgia, which was owned by J.P. Morgan.  The purpose of this "top secret" meeting was to lay the final plans for the takeover of the United States money system through the passage and signing into law The Federal Reserve act which would establish The Federal Reserve System for their employer and chief conspirator, Meyer Rothschild.  This was to be, and is, a privately owned banking system that controls the currency, monetary and financial system of the United States, against U.S. Constitutional law.

Among the conspirators present were J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Col. House, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Jacob Schiff, the heads of the New York City International Banks, Eugene Meyers, Herbert Lehman and Paul Warburg--in short, all the important International Bankers in the United States who were also members of the Rothschild's Illuminati hierarchy.  It was Meyer Rothschild, the head of the Rothschild clan, who is reported to have said: "Give me control of the money of a country and I care not who makes the laws."

Senator Aldrich was chosen as the "stooge" who would "railroad" The Federal Reserve Act through Congress.  And it was President Woodrow Wilson, another Rothschild stooge, who signed it into law on December 23, 1913, when most of the Congress were home for the holidays. This treasonous bill continues to unConstitutionally legitimize The Federal Reserve, which has become the "greatest money scam in the world's history".

Bush's and Kasich's ties to Wall Street are public knowledge but are not well known by the American people, which is why I wrote this article.  These two men have become agents for the very treasonous conspirators who founded the unConstitutional Federal Reserve System.  These Wall Street insiders have enriched themselves through cronyism and crony capitalism.  The vast sums of money given Bush and Kasich comes at a price; the price is that they become agents for, and do the bidding of their master, the Rothschild's Illuminati international criminal cabal, against the United States of America, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and we-the-people.  They have become compromised and should not be trusted with holding any public office.  

Cronyism and crony capitalism will continue to flourish under a Bush or Kasich administration, and under the administration of Hillary Clinton as well, another big Wall Street Insider.  Is this what you want America?--more cronyism and crony capitalism, more insider deals, more of the same greed and corruption run-amuck, more of the enriching of our presidents and their financial backers at the expense of we-the-people, and the American way of life?  I certainly hope not!  I ask that you please stand with me and help stamp out Cronyism and Crony Capitalism this year by NOT voting for any Wall Street insider for the office of President.  Thank you.

Thank you.    

Rocky Montana