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Trump has 'knockout' strategy to beat GOP establishment


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Jan. 11, 2016

In his latest interview1 with talk-radio host Michael Savage2, Republican presidential primary front-runner Donald Trump was asked what he will do if the GOP establishment tries to "cut him out" of the nomination.

Trump drew on his experience hosting prizefights, including 17 bouts featuring Mike Tyson.

"When the fighter goes into the other fighter's home territory, his home territory, they'll always say, the only way I'm going to win is, ‘I gotta knock him out,'" he explained.

"The way you knock him out is to just win the primaries. If I win the primaries, if I can win in Iowa and win in New Hampshire and win in South Carolina, where I have very big leads, you know, there's nothing anybody can do, frankly."

A new Fox News poll has him beating Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton in the general election, 47-44 percent.

Asked about his popularity with African-Americans, Trump pointed out some polls show him getting 25 percent of the vote3 in that demographic.

He recalled an "announcer" remarking, "Well, wait a minute, if this is true, that means the election is over. Trump wins automatically."

In 2012, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won just 6 percent of the African-American vote, according to exit polls.

Savage said he believes Trump will also do well among Hispanics, because of a "macho culture" that prefers male leadership.

While it's assumed that a tough stance on illegal immigration will erode support from Hispanics, Trump argued Hispanics don't want people coming into the country illegally and taking their jobs.

Michael Savage's "Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture" is available now at the WND Superstore4

He pointed to a Quinnipiac poll released Monday that has him ahead in Iowa, which means he has the lead in every state, according to some polls.

"We're doing well, and people want to see something happen," he said.

He said he hates to use the term "change," because it was Obama's campaign theme in 2008.

"At the time, people thought it was a good thing, and it turned out to be a disaster," Trump said.

Asked about "anchor babies," the policy granting automatic citizenship to the children of illegal aliens who give birth on American soil, Trump maintained his fervent opposition.

He said that despite the conventional wisdom, he doesn't think an amendment is necessary to change the policy.

"I believe that it will be a vote of Congress, and a lot of the best lawyers, the top lawyers, the real lawyers in the country agree with me," he said.

In a previous interview with Savage in November5, Trump affirmed his vow to deport the Syrian Muslim refugees Obama is allowing into the United States.

"I'm just putting people on notice that if they come, they are going to be deported," Trump said. "Now, it's a very sad thing. And I have a bigger heart than any of them, but we have no choice."

See Michael Savage's selection of no-nonsense books in the WND Superstore!6

