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Trump’s latest targets: New Hampshire’s largest paper and its favorite candidate, Christie

Ed O'Keefe

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Dec. 28, 2015

NASHUA, N.H. — Using words such as "lowlife," "useless" and "sleaze bag," Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump lashed out Monday night at the publisher of New Hampshire's largest newspaper for comparing him to a movie bad guy and for endorsing New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

The attack came the same day that the New Hampshire Union Leader published a front-page editorial that compared Trump to Biff, the lead antagonist from the "Back to the Future" movies, and described him as "a crude blowhard with no clear political philosophy."

Publisher Joseph W. McQuaid wrote that polling and punditry predicting Trump will win the Republican presidential nomination are "an insult to the intelligence of Republican voters. Beginning right here in New Hampshire on Feb. 9, a great majority of them will disabuse him of that notion."

"Trump can certainly be an entertaining character. He toys with TV journalists and dismisses critics with name-calling that drives the Politically Correct crowd insane," McQuaid added. "But his public descent into bathroom humor and verbal bullying has been painful, and educational, to watch."

Speaking from a warmly lit stage in a middle school gymnasium here, Trump called McQuaid "Christie’s lap dog" — a reference to the editorial board's endorsement of Christie last month. The newspaper's circulation has declined dramatically, but its conservative editorial page remains closely watched by Republican presidential contenders, all of whom eagerly sought the endorsement.

Trump spent several minutes describing his interactions with McQuaid, saying that initially, "I thought he was an aggressive guy. He called me. He talked to me."

Trump said that McQuaid asked the businessman to help the family of James Foley, a journalist from New Hampshire who was killed by the Islamic State in a videotaped beheading. Trump said that McQuaid invited him to speak at a public event and at a presidential forum held in August — an invitation that Trump declined.