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UPDATE: Trump Tops Yet ANOTHER Poll. No One Saw This Coming! YES!

Blair Patterson

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Dec. 22, 2015

UPDATE: Trump Tops Yet ANOTHER Poll. No One Saw This Coming! YES!

Iowa has been a state of contention for Trump ever since he said he’d be in the race for the presidency. Now it seems the Trump Train’s unstoppable momentum has hit new heights!

According to a new poll as of this morning, Trump has pulled ahead in the Iowa race where he trailed just a few days ago! Ted Cruz had edged to the front in recent weeks, but now that lead had diminished and Trump is out front!











Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump narrowly edges out Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for the lead in Iowa, a new poll released Tuesday finds.

The Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey shows the real estate mogul leads Cruz, 28 to 25 percent, within the margin of error. But while Trump leads, Cruz has been building the most momentum, gaining 11 points since the organization’s November poll. Trump picked up 6 points since the last poll.

The poll, which was conducted after Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States, found that 78 percent of voters support his ban, while 13 percent oppose it.

Yes! Go Trump go! This will lead to the White House!

(Source: The Hill)