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Trump was right again! Mainstream media broadcast from 2001 covers 'swarms' of Muslims cheering 9/11 attacks from rooftops

J.D> Heyes

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Dec. 18, 2015

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media, as well as the establishment of both major political parties, cannot stand GOP presidential front-runner and billionaire business mogul, Donald Trump. Both entities are also completely mystified as to why neither has been able to derail his candidacy, and why, when he says "outrageous" things, his poll numbers only go up, rather than down (more on that in a moment).

One of the most recent policy statements that Trump made that has the political establishment and mainstream media apoplectic, is his call to ban most Muslim travelers from entering the United States until the nation's intelligence and law enforcement services develop a system for properly vetting people coming from Muslim-dominated countries, especially countries where the terrorist group ISIS has a major presence. Trump introduced this policy following the San Bernardino, Calif., terrorist attack.

And one of the things Trump said in subsequent interviews following the attack and his policy announcement, which the media and his political detractors seemed to hone in on for some reason, was his claim that he personally saw "thousands and thousands" of Muslims celebrating on rooftops from his Trump Tower office following the 9/11 attacks.


What constitutes a 'swarm?'

No way, the mainstream media said. Maybe a couple dozen here and there, and perhaps "thousands" overseas, which were broadcast on nightly news reports. But not in the New York City or New Jersey area where Trump witnessed the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil in the history of the country.

Well, after eyewitness and contemporaneous reports confirmed what Trump said, guess what surfaced next?

This video of a CBS News broadcast, in which the television correspondent reported on "swarms" of people celebrating the downing of the World Trade Center twin towers.


The report noted:

"Just a couple of blocks away from that Jersey City apartment the F.B.I. raided yesterday and had evidence removed, there is another apartment building, one that investigators told me, quote, was swarming with suspects — suspects who I'm told were cheering on the roof when they saw the planes slam into the Trade Center. Police were called to the building by neighbors and found eight men celebrating, six of them tenants in the building."

And while some may argue that police found only "eight men celebrating," be sure to read that an investigator told the correspondent that another apartment building "quote, was swarming with suspects – suspects who I'm told were cheering on the roof when they saw the planes slam into the Trade Center."

Now, I suppose doubters can get into semantics about what number actually constitutes a "swarm," but obviously Trump was correct in his mention that he did, indeed, see people on rooftops dancing in celebration of an attack on our country – an attack that should not have been "celebrated" – unless, of course, you're an enemy of the state.

The insanity of the times

And remember the insanity of the moment (if you were alive and can recall it). As Breitbart News reports:

"You have to add up all of the contemporaneous news reports. You are Donald Trump. You are taking in all the news during that awful week. You are told by the media that 'swarms' of Muslims in a known terrorist's neighborhood were seen on rooftops celebrating 9/11."

And, just two days earlier, the New York Post in September 2011 reported:

"Here in New York, it was easy to get angry listening to Egyptians, Palestinians and the Arabs of nearby Paterson, N.J., celebrate as they received word of the murderous attack in New York and Washington. But Mayor Giuliani (who has been tireless and magnificent in this crisis) rightly warned New Yorker-ers that it would be wrong to take their anger our on the city's Arab and Muslim residents. Attacks on Arab-Americans in Paterson or elsewhere are utterly indefensible."

Plus all of the other chatter of the day – in particular, the overseas reports of celebrations.

All of which lend credibility to Trump's claim. And once again, the media and political haters of The Donald's campaign got it wrong – not him.

Trump may not win the GOP nomination, and may not become president, but it is hard to believe that anyone else running in 2016 has fallen under this kind of scrutiny from the mainstream media and political elitist class.
