Op-Ed: Donald Trump Fills A Void The Political Class Does Not Know They Made

Photo from the Associated Press

It’s been, what, not even 48 hours since Donald Trump, the blustering billionaire from Queens, said out loud what a whole lot of us quite familiar with the politically incorrect version of history have been sort of thinking, but didn’t dare voice, partially due to American values, and a sense of fairness instilled in us since birth.  Since that statement, every person running for president has pretty much condemned the Donald for the idea that we can just block an entire “religion” from entry into the country.  After all, this nation was founded on the ideals of religious liberty.  Right?

Well, yes, but remember, Islam is the only “religion” on the planet that converts by the sword.  Christianity, the predominant group of faiths in the United States, in the early days was spread by example, and converting leadership who then led the people to redemption.  That’s how Christianity rose to such great heights. After Mohammad, Islam moved into Christian Europe, guilted Christians into giving muslims their way on this and that, and promptly destroyed Christian property at will where ever they had a plurality.  (That history, unfortunately, is repeating itself.)  This is what brought us the Crusades.  The only way to stop the jihad in Europe at that point, was to push back, attack what was valued by muslims, and more or less kick them out.

This is where the true realist when it comes to Islam among the candidates for president whether we like it or not is Donald Trump.  Given the realities exposed since last week and the San Bernardino terrorist attack by two everyday, run of the mill muslims who just happened to be jihadis under the headscarf and beard, and that the “wife” was let into the country under the guise of an engagement…some review of the approval process for immigrants does need to happen.  A total ban may not be the best answer, but at the very least, it should be one of the options considered.