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Wisconsin update - almost there

Nick Passanante, Democracy for America

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March 22, 2012

Wisconsin has been the front line in the War on Working Families for over a year now.

Right-wing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was the first governor in the country to launch an attack on unions and middle class families last year. Republican governors across the country -- in Indiana, Florida and Ohio -- soon followed his lead.

This summer, we have the chance to end the War on Working Families in Wisconsin and recall Scott Walker. There are three Democrats running in the primary to beat Scott Walker and polls show all three are beating Walker or polling inside the margin of error.

We have the momentum in Wisconsin. We're almost there in raising the money we need to win, but we still need to raise $27,683 by the end of the month to fully fund our Wisconsin recall campaign.

Can you chip in $10 to the DFA Wisconsin recall campaign right now?

We're not just recalling Walker, either -- we have the opportunity to recall four of his right-wing cronies in the State Senate, too.

These are the same right-wingers who voted lockstep on Walker's agenda to smash unions and middle class families, defund Planned Parenthood and pass a harsh new voter ID law disenfranchising students, the elderly and the poor.

We can end the War on Working Families in Wisconsin and send a message to Republicans everywhere -- attack working families and you will lose. But we can't do it without your support.

We can beat right-wing Gov. Scott Walker and take back the Wisconsin State Senate with your help -- Please contribute $10 to the DFA Wisconsin recall campaign now.

Thank you for everything you do.


Nick Passanante, Deputy Political Director

Democracy for America

P.S. These recall elections are set to happen this summer. The State Senate recalls are happening as early as May, so we need the resources to start building our campaign now. Please contribute $10 today.