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Bill Maher makes $1 million donation to Obama

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

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Feb. 27, 2012

On Friday leftist comedian Bill Maher announced that he was donating $1 million to President Obama's own Super PAC -- Priorities USA Action. Maher said, "This is the wisest investment I think I could make."


Maher's donation came just days after Obama publicly endorsed his SuperPAC which is funded by a "Who's Who" of Hollywood elites... 

Jeffrey Katzenberg (Dreamworks) $2 million;

Steven Spielberg (Dreamworks) $100,000;

J.J. Abrams (The Lost) $50,000.

It is expected that unprecedented funds will be funneled into pro-Obama Super PACs set up by labor unions, Hollywood elites, corporate bigwigs and political insiders. And since most of the GOP Super PACs are controlled by party insiders, we could see Tea Party citizens will be pushed to the sidelines in this election.

If Tea Party citizens do not get involved this year -- through our own Super PAC -- the Left and RINOs will dominate what happens.

+ + A "Super PAC" for the Tea Party!

A few days ago I announced to you that Grassfire Nation is teaming with a new Super PAC designed to give Tea Party citizens a Super PAC of our own.

It's called the "Patriot Super PAC."

This Super PAC is an exciting new way for Tea Party conservatives to band together this year with the clear goals of defeating Barack Obama and growing the Tea Party Caucus in Congress.

+ + How You Can Help...

This new Patriot Super PAC will not receive a dime from Hollywood elites or political insiders -- we are totally relying on the generosity of Tea Party citizens like you.

We cannot sit on the sidelines and allow Hollywood Elites and political insiders to control everything. The voice of Tea Party citizens must be heard.

This is YOUR SUPER PAC. Will you consider making a special "Launch" gift right now of $30, $50, $100 or more to help defeat Barack Obama and sound the alarm that Tea Party conservatives are taking a stand to restore our nation AND win elections this year? Please go here now:

+ + First PAC TV Ad Already Under Way


The PAC's first efforts are already under way. Just last week, I took part in a planning session for what could become the breakthrough ad campaign of the entire election season. The concept we are developing exposes the economic failure of President Obama better than anything we have seen. We will be sharing more details in the coming weeks. 


But right now, I need your help. The Super PAC is still short of our pre-launch goal. Again, the liberal elites are funneling millions into Obama's Super PAC. We can fight back -- but only if you take a stand.

Thank you for all you do and I look forward to partnering with you through the Patriot Super PAC to defeat Barack Obama and elect true Tea Party conservatives.

Steve Elliott

Board Member, Patriot Super PAC

This is YOUR Super PAC!

Donate Today To Help Defeat Obama:


Paid for by Patriot Super PAC, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.