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Key to Obama's 2nd term

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

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Feb. 14, 2012

I've been in meetings most of the day but I wanted to send you this quick update because we found the key to Obama's  re-election strategy. And it involves a Fairy Tale that the administration is telling.

Go here to read Liberty News' report on the Fairy Tale.

And go here for the keys to Obama's re-election strategy.

I bring these articles to your attention because unless we understand the real challenge we face from the Obama spin machine, we simply have no chance. As you probably know, Obama has put together an unprecedented re-election team. While the GOP candidates slug it out, Obama has an army of workers in his Chicago national headquarters. And they have yet to unveil the full workings of their Internet strategy.

On top of this, Obama last week signaled that he is diving into the "Super PAC" race. So it is possible that the Obama team could have $2 billion or more at their disposal over the next nine months.

But everything still depends on the Fairy Tale they are spinning about the economy.


This week, we will be announcing a major new initiative for Tea Party conservatives that will give you a direct way to challenge Obama in November. Stay tuned.

Thanks for your vigilance!

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

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