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Illegitimate Voters Ready to Elect Obama

Conservative Action Alerts

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Jan. 29, 2012

Illegitimate voters are poised to re-elect Barack Obama as President!


The "illegal" and "defunded" ACORN has been resurrected in the form of various names and organizations.

ACORN was supposedly de-funded in 2010. However, it is still very much alive and well---and even financially backing "Occupy Wall Street." New York State Attorney General's staff still refuses to comment to us about the ongoing investigation of an ACORN off-shoot---New York Communities for Change (NYCC).


Rep. Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee asked Brooklyn-based U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch if New York Communities for Change (NYCC) "engaged in fraud through its participation in the Occupy Wall Street protests." NYCC is an off-shoot of ACORN, utilizing the same building and the basically the same staff!


A New York Communities for Change (NYCC) insider source said that money raised to helps schools "isn't going to the's just going to the protests (Occupy Wall Street)!"


Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to demand an investigation of and a TOTAL cut off of funding to any government agency that does business with ACORN or its front groups.


Obviously, the funding of Occupy Wall Street in New York is a mere "practice run" for the widespread operations of ACORN derivatives, obsessed with stealing the next presidential election.


ACORN is very much BACK IN BUSINESS---except under different names. Different front groups help assist this "defunded" group of "hoodlums." Their ultimate goal is to re-elect Barack Obama as the President of the United States in the next election! That is their main goal and purpose.


But here's a very serious outcome---the Department of Justice has been fingered as COORDINATING some of the vote manipulation with one of the ACORN affiliates!


Recently discovered documents imply widespread coordination and communications between the Department of Justice Voting Section and prior ACORN associate Project Vote.


Records reveal that Project Vote seems to be guiding DOJ resources toward specific states; is arranging discussions with DOJ staff; and is even advocating lawyers to function in the Justice Department Voting Section that will supervise the 2012 presidential election!


It is obvious that Project Vote had "special access" to Department of Justice officials. This activist group, an offshoot of ACORN, apparently has had DIRECT ACCESS to top leadership of the Department of Justice. This is insane!


Additional emails suggest that Project Vote was guiding criticisms to the persons at the Department of Justice responsible for organizing election checking sources, urging them to dedicate resources to political races around the country, particularly where Tea Party groups were most active fighting voter fraud!


This is just another instance of where "under the watch" of Attorney General Eric Holder the DOJ has performed shady, illegal deals to impact upcoming elections!


Your fax will stop this farce of front organizations that are really still "ACORN."


Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to demand an investigation of and a TOTAL cut off of funding to any government agency that does business with ACORN or its front groups.


We do not want the 2012 elections to be stolen and commandeered by a group of paid thugs! These radical left-wing groups must be defunded---no matter what name they use!


ACORN leaders have made numerous visits to the Obama White House and the Department of Justice. According to White House visitor logs, at least FIVE ACORN leaders have visited the White House in 2011! One of these ACORN leaders, former ACORN attorney Estelle H. Rogers, is now director of advocacy at ACORN-affiliated "Project Vote."


As you will recall, Barack Obama at one time was a lawyer for ACORN!


In fact, in 1992, Obama stated: "All our people must know that politics and voting affects their lives directly. If we're registering people in public housing, for an example, we talk about aid cuts and who's responsible."


Mr. Obama will use whatever and whomever means he can to make sure re-election votes comes his way! Anything!


Of course ACORN, rather, its name off-shoots, will use whatever techniques are available to them, as far as voter fraud and voters who are dead, as it has been proven they did in previous elections.


Don't permit these left-wingers to ROB us of a just election in 2012.


Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to demand an investigation of and a TOTAL cut off of funding to any government agency that does business with ACORN or its front groups.


Of course you remember the undercover video footage taken of a couple getting advice from an ACORN representative on how to manipulate votes, girls, drugs, etc. We don't need to relive that entire sick scenario. But it put a "mark" on ACORN that will never be erased.


That doesn't include the TENS OF THOUSANDS of votes that ACORN was responsible for raising up (even from dead people) during the last two election cycles!


Project Vote's (ACORN) founder, Sanford Newman, actually says that his group assists the Left almost totally. He admitted: "While our work is nonpartisan, it is realistic to assume that upward of 90 percent of the people we register on unemployment and other social service distribution lines will oppose politicians who have supported cuts in the programs on which they rely. They are likely to vote Democratic in most instances."


U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa is demanding that the Obama administration investigate allegedly fraudulent fundraising practices that ACORN's New York front group has used to raise funds for Occupy Wall Street (OWS).


Your faxes are extremely important today, so we can clamp down on this ACORN OUTRAGE!


Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to demand an investigation of and a TOTAL cut off of funding to any government agency that does business with ACORN or its front groups.


In "concert" with ACORN front groups, Eric Holder last month called for an end to state laws requiring voters to show identification at polling places. He wants people to not have to produce any proof of who they are at a polling place.


Republicans are increasingly worried that Mr. Obama wants to loosen voter identification laws in states with significant numbers of likely illegal voters to help Barack Obama WIN in the 2012 election!


Eight states (Alabama, Kansas, Mississippi, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin) have passed laws insisting on voters showing government-issued photo identification at polling stations.


Mr. Holder, ACORN, and its derivatives, oppose these efforts to prevent voter fraud.


They, in "coordination," want to see the election go to Mr. Obama, ACORN's former legal advisor!


ACORN saw to it that "VOTER FRAUD" was "the order of the day" both in the 2008 and the 2010 elections! They re-invented themselves, by using several names and front organizations. But they STILL have a chance to "steal the election" by engaging in voter fraud!


Please FAX NOW to make sure that our Congress investigates and gets to the bottom of not only this Occupy Wall Street illegal funding, but how to prevent voter fraud in the next presidential election, and to stop any funding that incorporates the DOJ coordinating with the ACORN affiliates!





Conservative Action Alerts


P. S. We must fax to prevent rampant voter fraud by ACORN or its new front groups. Be sure to fax today!


Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to demand an investigation of and a TOTAL cut off of funding to any government agency that does business with ACORN or its front groups.


You can also CLICK HERE to send a FREE message directly to YOUR U.S. Representative and Senators!


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