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Amazing legal ingorance of Obama's defense in challenges to his candidacy -- and what I will do about the electoral college

From Dick Eastman

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Jan. 20, 2012

What must we remove, what repudiate, and what must we install to be rid of these Enumerated Powers?

Supposing the right thing were attainable, what would it look like -- how would it differ.

What constraints are lifted when the enumerated powers are eliminated? 

What replacements will be necessary to fill the void left from this excision?

----- Original Message -----

From: Rocky Crossing Ranch/Sam Bitz

To: Dick Eastman <>

Sent: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 00:46:56 -0500 (EST)

Subject: Re: Amazing legal ingorance of Obama's defense in challenges to his candidacy   -- and what I will do about the electoral college


Hi Ho Dick;
Noble ideas, but I hate to be the one throwing ice

water on your plan; however, you, as President would also have to negate the

alleged 17th Amendment (actually an "appendage") to the present Enumerated 1846

Version of "Constitution" in order to return to the NON-ENUMERATED PLAN devised

by the founding Framer DEPUTIES.

It is easy to say that the present system in

America is corrupted; but why not explain WHO corrupted it, HOW and WHEN.


Furthermore, when our founding Framer Deputies


GOVERNMENT, there was no such thing as private University Company Fraternal

Political Parties then in existence!

Have you ever looked closely at the "Original

Pennsylvania Colonial Declaration"? It was one of the 14 original

Colonies, according to "those Representatives voting" on the Northwest

Territorial Ordinance of River Basin Ohio (Crown Company), July, 1787...of the

Vatican Empire and Crown Confederate Congress & Company of New York. Wow,

two separate and distinct "Congresses" convened and "voting" on the very same

day; Continental Congress Deputies in Philadelphia and

the Confederate Congress Representatives in New York...of

actual record!

You think about it Dick. What would happen to every

lawyer or lawyer-judge IF all "Enumerations" were once again suddenly removed

from all of our "written laws"? OR return them back to their original mandatory

"Republican Form" in order to be once again "On an equal footing in all respect

whatever with the Original Republican States of America"!

Remember that during that period, the People were

the "States"; NOT their SEAT of Plenary Republican government!

"LETTERS of the Law"! A term unique only to

America. Do you recognize it Dick? As of now, we have only one of those original

"Republican Letters" remaining. It is still celebrated by some on the 4th of

July! Most all others were destroyed in the fires of 1812, excepting the Records

of the Colonial Debates and those copies held by the Framers and other private


You are right, of course, on numerous governmental

topics; however like the majority of University Company-zonked public and

romance writers, you are using the wrong terminology to make your point and it

leads to no where. And that was the grand plan of the Vatican Empire &

Crown University Company following the war of 1812. And it worked even

better than they anticipated, as they admit right their in their "Enumerated

Zionist Protocol Agenda".

Like our framers referenced numerous times: The

Trail of that UNIVERSAL LEOPARD is ALWAYS ENUMERATED! From 1777 to present it

sure as hell is! And those inbred and interbred bastards even "speak in numbers"

in our forums!

If you wish to see what our Post Civil War

Professors of Higher Education (high-school) claimed and instructed their students to be the "original Supreme Republican Declaration" emerging fromthat September 1787 Philadelphia Convention; simply download the presentenumerated Hickey & Company Version of The Constitution into your computer Word Program (This was originally done with pencil, paper and eraser)

Then, wherever a capital or small Arabic Numeral appears in the text, erase and replace with the declarative word "That".  The "Preamble" then becomes the "Enacting Clause"! Replace the word "Union" in the Enacting Clause with the proper word "Nation". Replace the reference "Supreme Law of the Land" with the proper "Supreme Law of the People" (a no-brainer).
In the taxation clause, replace the erroneous comma following the word "taxes" with the proper "semi-colon".
For general "punctuation points" rely upon the former original "Unanimous Declaration of These United Colonies of America,

July 4, 1776".

You should be well aware that on July 4, 1776,

there was no such thing in law or fact as "The United States"...other than those

of King George III and his New York Confederate


Once you have completed this simple post-Civil War

classroom exercise, sit back are review the instrument emerging from that 1787 "Republican in Form" and in "Style (operation)"!

And this same exercise does apply to your "original

hand-written version of state Constitution" as well.

Keep up the good work Dick. You are still getting

your message across to many folks and waking them out of their slumbers.

Hopefully its not too late. God bless

You will find that this classroom exercise will not

apply to the "Charter of Federal Appendages (erroneously called "Amendments")".

Remove the enumerations and you will then see that they are actually mere


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 7:21


Subject: Amazing legal ingorance of

  Obama's defense in challenges to his candidacy -- and what I will do about the

  electoral college

Obama name on the ballot is

  challenged in Georgia.  Obama's lawyers respond with this



  “Presidential electors and Congress, not the state of Georgia, hold the



  responsibility for determining the qualifications of presidential


However, the electors are chosen by these ballots.  The system --

  corrupted from the original intention of the Founding Fathers which was

  that that people would vote for electors and the  electors would

  convene the Electoral College and find themselves a President.  But the

  way the system is organized now, parties caucus and put up electors who

  are pre-committed to the party candidate  -- but it is the ballots

  in the primary that determines which candidate and thus which party and thus

  which electors will caste their locked-in votes.  Of course under this

  system the Obama defense makes no sense at all.   Congress has

  nothing to do with the electors decision.  And the electors have no power

  until they are selected as electors.  They are not Electors who go to the

  Electoral College until they are selected -- in the case of Georgia by

  ballot.   The electors have not say because they are only candidates

  to be electors.  They cannot rule on who gets into the primary ballot

  because no one becomes an elector for the electoral college until the election

  results are officially counted and registered.   The real authority

  is the counties of Georgia which individually have the right to determine who

  goes on their ballots.   The design is a bad one.  People have

  been pretending that it makes sense when it does not.  America should go

  back to the original design  -- the system under which Madison

  and Jefferson were elected.

Obama's lawyer offer a second



  “The election of President Obama by the presidential electors, confirmed by


    makes the documents and testimony sought by plaintiff


What they are saying here is that once the Constitution has

  been violated once and the

violation has not been checked by authority upholding the

  Constitution, that the unconstitutional

act suddenly becomes above challenge.  Yet we know that

  Nancy Pelosi signed the confirmation

of Obama's qualification when in fact it was not


Only a Harvard or Philadelphia lawyer would attempt to argue

  out of that one.

But I was born in Philadelphia, and I am running for

  President -- and the electoral system makes no allowance for a write-in

  candidate like me  - because a write-in can win but zero electors come

  with him.  It isn't said, but the political parties are a duopoly that

  controls the supply of electors.

If, somehow, I am President on January 20, 1913 I sure as

  heck am going to use the President's power to lead in  legislation

  get the original system restored in better form through a constitutional

  amendment.  It can't be done by executive order or under martial law --

  but the president has power to cooperate or not cooperate with


If I am president I will suspend Congress by martial law,

  until my executive orders are completed and the necessary institutional

  changes are in place and begin operating.  Then Congress will be called

  by me -- and will be instructed to draft their own legislation creating their

  own version of each component of each of my reforms and passing them -- until

  my emergency measures to change the course to what the people want, can be

  adopted throught acts of Congress.

That's my plan.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Eastman/Lund  We will give you the America you


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