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16 Things conservatives must do

Grassfire Nation Update

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Jan. 10, 2012

You are being verbally assaulted. Your reputation is being smeared.  


In the past several weeks, the Obama and Pelosi spin doctors have called conservatives “extremist” and a “radical.”  We have been maligned as incompetent and ineffective.

The fact is, demonizing Tea Party conservatives is the lynchpin of the Left’s 2012 election strategy -- and it’s working!


That’s why Grassfire Nation has just produced the “2012 Tea Party Survival Guide” -- a 144-page one-of-a-kind resource designed to equip you to survive the Left’s assaults and thrive this year.


In these pages, we disclose the 16 things every conservative must do in 2012 to fight back and win.


Click here to get your Tea Party Survival Guide and discover the 16 things every conservative must do in 2012.


This Tea Party Survival Guide will give you the inside track on all the key political battles of 2012. In these pages, we reveal:


**The one key state the GOP nominee must win.


**The one poll that tells you if Obama will get re-elected.


**The Real #1 issue of the 2012 election.


**Three ways to guarantee Tea Party defeat.


**The 11 states that will decide the presidential election


Click here to get your Tea Party Survival Guide and discover the one poll that tells if Obama will get re-elected, the 11 key states that will decide the race AND 16 things every conservative must do in 2012!


This Survival Guide is packed with resources you cannot get anywhere else in one source, including: a complete state-by-state breakdown of the presidential race, the 12 key Senate races that will decide if Republicans can win the Senate, a thorough analysis of the #1 issue of 2012 AND a comprehensive Tea Party Group Index.


We have also included the full text of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution in your 2012 Survival Guide which is conveniently sized so you can take it with you wherever you go!


Right now, America stands at a crossroads. If the Left succeeds at marginalizing and demonizing the Tea Party, the ideals of Liberty and Limited Government will be defeated and our nation will slide into the abyss of statism.


WE THE PEOPLE are the last barrier holding back the radical, statist agenda. We must be ready and equipped to fight back. Please order your 2012 Survival Guide today.


Grassfire Nation


P.S. This 2012 Survival Guide is so vital that we will send you TWO COPIES in appreciation of a contribution of ANY AMOUNT today -- one to keep and one to share.


P.P.S. Survival Guides will begin shipping next week and thousands of Guides from our first print run have already been pre-ordered. Please place your order today to ensure delivery with the first printing.


Click here to get two copies of the 2012 Tea Party Survival Guide and discover the 16 things every conservative must do in 2012.

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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