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RON PAUL: Closing in on Mitt

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Jan. 5, 2012

Just minutes ago, I read a poll showing my campaign surging in New Hampshire. 

If you haven't seen it, I'm firmly in second place with 24%.  That's more than double the numbers of my nearest rival.

And I'm closing in rapidly on Governor Romney.

After my incredible finish in Iowa, events are playing out exactly as I hoped.

My campaign is quickly emerging as the true constitutional conservative alternative to Mitt Romney.

Now, I need your support to ensure I have the funds to stand toe-to-toe with the establishment's darling - and to fend off the smears coming from other campaigns.

Can I count on you for a generous contribution right away?

With the New Hampshire Primary just five days away, every dollar is critical.

You may have seen some of the nasty attacks some of my opponents have launched on me.

It's only going to get worse.

They know unless they can take me down, New Hampshire will be their last stand.

So I need to be able to stand up to their assaults and continue EXPOSING who Mitt Romney is - a Big Government establishment flip-flopper.

After all, if you and I are going to DEFEAT President Obama in November, our Republican Party can't afford to nominate a candidate who is going to have to spend all his time apologizing for agreeing with him!

But when it comes to the $700 BILLION TARP bailout, so-called "global warming" baloney, and the individual mandate central to RomneyCare and ObamaCare, that's exactly what Mitt Romney will be doing.

With over $15 TRILLION in national debt and outrageously high unemployment, nominating Mitt Romney is a sure recipe for defeat.

And I'm the one candidate who can make that case.  But I need your help to continue my momentum.

So please agree to your most generous contribution IMMEDIATELY.

Together, you and I will Restore America Now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S.  Polls are showing a huge bump for my campaign in New Hampshire after my strong showing in Iowa.

Events are proving I'm emerging as the one true conservative alternative to Mitt Romney.

So please agree to make your most generous contribution to my campaign IMMEDIATELY.