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Grassfire Nation Update

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Jan. 4, 2012

Grassfire Nation Update


In the past few days, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership have ramped up their attacks on the Tea Party.

In fact, attacking the Tea Party is now the main focus of the Left’s strategy. Here’s what the Obama team said in response to the Iowa caucus results:

“The extremist Tea Party agenda won a clear victory.”

Between Christmas and New Year’s Day the Pelosi-led Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent out nine emails targeting the Tea Party in their “Defeat The Tea Party campaign.” Here’s what they said…

“Tea Party radicals” want to raise taxes

Republicans are appeasing “Tea Party extremists…”

“Tea Party Republicans” are on the “attack”….

The “Tea Party” is “incapable of moving our country forward”

That’s TEN emails from the Obama/Pelosi machine in the past week with one theme -- attack the Tea Party!

+ + Your “Survival Guide” For 2012….

Patrick, with the Left aggressively attempting to marginalize and discredit patriotic conservatives, it is vital that you are equipped to fight back and win!

That’s why our staff put together this 2012 Tea Party Survival Guide -- to put in your hands the vital information patriotic citizens need to survive the ideological assault on the Tea Party and keep the movement at the center of the political debate.

This 144-page resource is your DEFINITIVE GUIDE to the entire 2012 election season -- starting with the primaries and even helping you sort out who will win in November.

In these pages, you’ll discover:

**What the 2012 Election is really about (the answer will surprise you).

**The one key state the GOP nominee must win.

**The one poll that tells you if Obama will get re-elected.

**The Real #1 issue of the 2012 election.

**Three ways to guarantee Tea Party defeat.

**The 11 states that will decide the presidential election

And much more. Go here for more information, to see the booklet and to order:

Our staff just signed off on the final print proofs and we expect to begin shipping the Survival Guide as soon as next week. We want every Grassfire Nation team member to have two copies -- one to keep and one to share -- in appreciation of a contribution of any amount to Grassfire.  Go here:


We’ve also included Grassfire’s own Index of more than 150 Tea Party groups from across the nation -- one of the most comprehensive listings of Tea Party groups available.

Plus, your “Survival Guide” includes the full text of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution -- the two documents that form the cornerstone of our movement for Liberty and Limited Government.

Again… the Left is determined to DESTROY the Tea Party. This is their game plan for the entire year.

We designed this resource to help our team members understand what is behind these attacks and fight back.

This is the crucial year. If the Left succeeds at marginalizing and demonizing the Tea Party, the ideals of Liberty and Limited Government will be defeated and our nation will slide into the abyss of statism.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. In a matter of just over a week, the Obama-Pelosi team sent out at least 10 emails specifically attacking the Tea Party. This is their strategy! To understand it and defeat their plan, you must be equipped. Please go here now to secure your two copies of our “Tea Party Survival Guide.”

P.P.S. Because our first print run is limited, we will be distributing the Survival Guide on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure that your two Survival Guides are included in the first print run, please place your order today:

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(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages. To contact Grassfire Nation with comments, questions or to change your status, see link at the end.)

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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