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Who do you see in a mirror?

Grassfire Nation Update

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Dec. 30, 2011

Grassfire Nation Update


Who do you see in a mirror?

The Left wants you to see a radical, fanatic whose anger and actions represent a serious threat to the security of our nation.

That’s why they are so eager to demonize conservatives and Tea Party Americans. They know that we are the last obstacle -- the last stumbling block holding them back from unleashing a radicalized statist agenda that could potentially transform our nation for generations to come.

Limited government and the Constitution mean nothing to them. And because you embrace both, you are the enemy!

So who do you see in a mirror?

If you see yourself as a constitutional conservative, a supporter of the Tea Party, we have something for you.

Click here now to receive your free gift:

Our national “I Am the Tea Party” initiative is beginning to take hold at a critical time when the Left is blaming the ills of our nation on conservatives.

We are the ones to blame for our tanking jobs market, for our crumbling economy, for our abysmal outlook. To them, we are the ones who are making life so difficult for those truly committed to helping turn the nation around.

Sadly, they are winning the battle.

More and more Americans are starting to believe what the liberal media are telling them about conservatives and Tea Party Americans.

That’s why Grassfire Nation is urging ALL members of our team to sign our “I Am the Tea Party” petition -- to send a message of unwavering solidarity to the Left that we will not be bullied, intimidated or silenced!

We will not be marginalized and left cowering in a corner.

On the contrary!

We will stand up, united and boldly proclaim that WE ARE THE TEA PARTY!

Patrick, if when you look in the mirror you see yourself as a patriot during this critical time in our history, click below and stand with us:

Together we can rally, mobilize and equip hundreds of thousands of fellow patriots to stand against these Leftist attacks -- neutralizing their radical strategy!

Thank you for taking a stand for liberty and limited government!

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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