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The Left is going to really hate us for this

Grassfire Nation Update

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Dec. 27, 2011

Grassfire Nation Update

Something amazing is taking place at Grassfire Nation...

Several months ago, we asked citizens from around the nation to help us spread the “I Am the Tea Party” message to America. As a small, grassroots organization, we don’t have the big budget to splash around to really boost an initiative.

As usual, we rely on you, Patrick, and friends like you who share our heart and our vision for America.

But even then, we really had no idea how our “I Am the Tea Party” key tag initiative would go...

We are thrilled to report that national momentum is building, rapidly as 250,000 key tags have been ordered -- making it necessary for us to order more key tags!

With the Left aggressively attempting to marginalize and discredit the Tea Party, it’s important -- even vital during this election cycle for Americans to stand up and boldly announce that “I AM THE TEA PARTY!”

Patrick, we can’t allow them to speak for us, or silence us. We are fighting for our nation, for our children … Now is not the time to be silent.

That’s why we are urging ALL members of our team who may have missed our earlier messaging to take advantage of our latest shipment of key tags by adding your name to our fast growing “I Am the Tea Party” petition by clicking here:

After signing, we’ll send you your FREE key tags as a way of showing solidarity with other Americans who are declaring that they are the Tea Party!

Patrick, as we said earlier, this is a 100 percent grassroots effort at a critical time in our nation’s history, and it’s an opportunity for you to take a principled stand against those trying to reshape and destroy our nation.

Click here now to sign our petition and request your FREE “I Am the Tea Party!” key tags:

Our latest shipment of key tags will move quickly, so don’t delay.

After signing, help us rally and mobilize citizens throughout the nation by alerting your family and friends to stand with you by signing our national petition and getting their key tags as well:

Thank you for taking a stand for liberty and limited government!

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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