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From: SS
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 1:59 PM
Subject: [frameup] WARNING !!! / Re: VOTED YES ON BAILOUT
Thomas Watts <> wrote:
Bail Out Yeas

Extended List

 <snipped extended lsit due to errors>
Bob Barr and Ron Paul, abstained from the vote.
What swell guys!
Please misfits ... do not trust anything posted by anyone (including me) on the internet. There's far to much disinformation and misinformation being spread ... thus creating tons of confusion. You must prove everything for yourself, by doing the research yourself.
For instance, Bob Barr could not have voted since he is no longer in congress. His congressional term ran from 1995 to 2003. Additionally, it is well known and documented that he and three other third party candidates spoke out loud and clear against the bailout.
Presidential candidates that said No to the bailout were Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader. Both McCain and Obama voted Yes for the bailout, even tho over 80% of our fellow American citizens were Yelling NO ... they totally ignored our voice.
As for Dr. Ron Paul (TX) ... the poster above has stated a flat out lie (AGAIN) ... not only did Dr. Paul vote no in both cases ... he made his voice heard all over the mainstream as well ... not to mention all of his books and literatureover the last 30+ years warning us all ... that this economic doom was coming, if we didn't change our ways.
As for the long extended list of those that voted yes ... personally, i only care about those where my vote can make a difference ... i'm sure you feel the same ... so to see how those that represent you (in your area) voted on the bailout ... just look up your state and precinct here:
The goal is to kick out all of those that voted Yes ... that is a good start towards our HOUSE cleaning ... also remember that our mission to stop globalism does not stop when one (facist or socialist) evils step into office. We must continue to focus and act on those at our local and state levels. Now it is up to you ... make a difference.