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McCain's Health, Medical Records in The New York Times, CNN, and Washington Post

Elise Wagner

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From: Elise Wagner, Brave New Films
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 6:09 PM
Subject: McCain's Health, Medical Records in The New York Times, CNN, and Washington Post

What a difference 2,908 doctors make! Your efforts to get John McCain to issue a full, public release of his medical records are making huge waves in the press.

It should be noted that Dr. Altman at The New York Times is the leading expert on the issue of disclosure of presidential medical records, having himself interviewed doctors for and examined the records of numerous candidates and incumbent presidents going back decades. His attention to this subject sends a strong signal to journalists all over the country that this is a critical issue to report on.

In the voluminous coverage so far, not everyone agreed with us (read the New York Post piece for some major disagreement), and most of these stories also question Obama's decision not to release his records (an opinion in no way in conflict with our call for full disclosure by McCain). But the bottom line is, the more attention of any kind brought to this issue, the better for transparency and accountability.

With all of the excitement and news over the past few days, we here at Brave New Films want to thank you for your contributions and making a difference.


Elise Wagner and Brave New Films


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