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Black File 7001: McCain’s Genocidal Holocaust in America (Beaverton)

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Black File 7001: McCain’s Genocidal Holocaust in America

The McCain Doctrine:

Empty dribble for those unable to distinguish horse manure from shoeshine. McCain’s inner-cracker surfaces with “That one!” aka “Those people!”, “Tar Baby!”, “Little Black Sambo!” or “Jew Boy!” McCain’s comment caused me to remember my youth in the Southern U.S. and gas stations with three bathrooms for men, women and colored. One night I went to sleep as a Jewish child and woke up the next morning to hear my family saying that the U.S. Government now considered us white. As for my race, I chose to remain “human” while at least attempting to recognize same in all people as the individual threads within the beautiful fabric of our humanity.

McCain – “I’ve been on nuclear powered ships”:

Yes, second from the bottom of his graduating class, John McCain wet starts his Skyhawk on the flight deck of the USS Forrestal in 1967, detonates a Zuni missile on the F4 Phantom parked behind his jet and causes the infamous fire aboard the ship killing 132 U.S. Navy sailors and wounding countless others. McCain’s military career has consistently recognized the admiral’s son successfully making touchdowns for the opposing team - stop John you’re running the wrong way…the goalpost is the other direction! McCain’s political career has the same “reverse maverick” modus operandi while supporting an illegal war in Iraq that should result in first degree murder charges being brought against George W. Bush and his administration, as cited within Vincent Bugliosi’s book titled, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder.

McCain – “My friends my record speaks of continuous service to the nation”:

Whose nation wrong way McCain – North Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Dubai, land of the Bush bin Cheney harem whores? Allegedly, McCain with a false war hero persona sided with his communist captors in North Vietnam during the war. McCain, you must DECLASSIFY YOUR SEALED MILITARY AND ASSOCIATED RECORDS to answer the charges that while a POW of the North Vietnamese, you voluntarily and without being tortured did give aid and comfort to the enemy of the United States by producing over 32 propaganda tapes denouncing America as a nation of war criminals and did treasonously provide classified military flight path routes to the NVC, which allowed them to reposition their antiaircraft weapons and kill U.S. pilots on their return trips back home. Tell the American people why you and Kerry changed the standing rules that allowed U.S. Military Commanders on the ground to immediately implement a rescue mission to recover POWs and MIAs when sighted and now require a two day delay be communicated through the Pentagon before taking action, which may as well be two years in jungle time? McCain you allegedly support crossing into Pakistan to kill the complicit Bush family’s friend and ally, Osama bin Laden, but you won’t rescue our U.S. Military POWs and MIAs after the CIA has confirmed over 15,000 sighting. Not to mention that my sources close to the U.S. Special Forces operating in that region confirm that the Whitehouse via the Pentagon telephonically gave a special operations team the following orders after identifying the target for neutralization; “do not to kill Osama bin Laden and remove your team from the area.” When the team later inquired about their combat pay, they were told the mission had been classified and technically speaking since on paper they were never in the Afghanistan/Pakistan region, they are therefore not entitled to combat pay. Wonder if this was one of the same formulas used by your syndicated Republican consortium to systematically rape the financial assets of the American people – where were you 90% of the time for the past eight years? Maverick? – no I think you have been more like sedentary hot buttered goat custard.

McCain – “No one in this country supports genocide” – vomit!

Guess what “my friends”, McCain headed a Senatorial Investigation Committee to cover-up the Bush family’s continuing genocide of Americans and scapegoated their blame onto the back of a power company engineer for another Republican act of treason. My sources so very close to the U.S. Secret Service that I once declined their offer to be photographed sitting at Bush 41’s Whitehouse desk, volunteered that President and former CIA Chief, George H.W. Bush ordered the clandestine testing of a military Electromagnetic Pulse [EMP] weapon on New York City from a refitted A-6 Intruder jet-bomber with a golden canopy that “Killed American Citizens.” New Yorkers died that day, just like on 911. On the date of that EMP weapons attack ordered by Republican George H.W. Bush, American citizens died from an inability to obtain emergency services following massive regional power outages caused by the covert use the U.S. Military against our nation’s people while on U.S. soil. Following 911, it’s too bad that Rudy Giuliani affected such a rapid clean-up of the crime scene area to destroy any evidence; especial with what I suspect would have been found after the botched demolition operation on WTC Building No.: 7 that suddenly decided to drop into its own footprint without being touched. The Bush oligarchy historically recognizes an ongoing lineage of treason to perpetuate their global continuing criminal enterprise and the largest theft of government funds in the history of the known world.

President and former CIA Chief, George H.W. Bush replaced CIA Chief William Colby who died during a suspected assassination on August 27, 1996, before he could testify in the 1953 staged suicide/murder of U.S. Army scientist Dr. Frank Olson [CIA MK-ULTRA] from the same top secret laboratories in Fort Detrick, MD that recently recognized another alleged suicide in one Dr. Bruce E. Ivans [911 Postal Anthrax produced from within the same facility].

Black File 7001: The Genocidal Holocaust in America

U.S. Genocidal Black Projects in torture and mind-control have continued in development since the CIA’s importation of 1600 Nazi SS war criminals to America during “Operation Paperclip” where they continued their inhuman atrocities on human test animals within the MK-ULTRA Program. Those monstrous practices were first begun at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. These genocidal black projects are covertly funded by billions of dollars from American taxpayers and are rarely scrutinized beneath their program titles by the congressional intelligence committees and their elected members with top secret crypto clearances. Typically these black projects and their methodologies are shrouded beneath federal programs with misnomer titles; kept under wraps at top secret military installations; are concealed within academic research grants; tested during the surrounding events of natural disasters; monitored within the public education system; entrenched within technological devices and surveillance equipment; and are hidden from public scrutiny around the world within prisons, hospitals and centers of academic learning that occasionally double as a blacksite facilities to varying degrees. These formulas for torture are applied against every thread of our existence and the total fabric of humanity by the controlling few against the many whom I feel will increasingly find their revolutionary voice for a restorative democracy that recognizes the human being in all people. Exposing these U.S. black projects causes’ whistleblowers like me to become Targeted Individuals [TIs] who are cauterized through “slow kill” and “silent kill” methods that psychologically wall-off mind-control victims with layers of suicide programming or are rapidly silenced by assassination. Self-inflicted harm is the cornerstone of the four principle components within the CIA torture matrix. This means that the “deep state” proponents of genocidal black projects in torture and mind-control within the U.S. Government infrastructure use covert operatives or jackal agents to harm or murder innocent American citizens. The only reason why these criminal agents and enemies of humanity have not murdered me to date is because I write and publish. The jackals and other criminal actors known to me have been warned along with their handlers that unannounced appearances will be considered a mortal threat. My contacts in the Federal Bureau of Investigation have been notified.

The Federal Witness Protection Program [WitSec], complete with a blacksite facility staffed by government psychologists assisting in the mind-control and torture program, recognizes a clandestine shadow network with given WitSec Inspectors and associated federal agents and agencies conducting sadistic and genocidal practices against Non-Criminal Federal Witnesses and Government Whistleblowers who unknowingly become human test animals within the fraudulent federal program.

This human laboratory control sample within the WitSec is subjected to an evolving mind-control and “no-touch” invisible physical torture experiment sourced from methods produced by the CIA’s MK-ULTRA Program and the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual [The Torture Bible]. The ongoing cover-up by WitSec’s administrators includes their lying under oath before the U.S. Congress to conceal the wrongful deaths of U.S. Government Witnesses from the lasting erosive effects of psyops, mind-control and torture while in and after having exited the Federal Witness Protection Program.

This additionally includes the theft of government funds while robbing the American taxpayers of $Billions through padded numbers to feather their budget. In 2000, I assisted the USDOJ to investigate and successfully prosecute my first WitSec Inspector, John W. Dubois [name authorized by U.S Marshals Service for release] for the same charge. Dubois was later released from prison and allowed to stalk me, convey veiled death threats and later accosted me by the arm while I was near death from cancer treatments.

WitSec Headquarters took no action after filing over 30 security notices, which remains in keeping with the most of our state and federal elected representatives; including Senator Ron Wyden, Congressman David Wu, Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski, and Oregon Attorney General Hardy Myers. Actually my volunteer work as a consumer advocate has placed nearly $30 thousand in the State of Oregon’s depleted coffers and I like Oregon’s AG, but their motives that extends beyond the perpetuation of the “Dark Figure of Crime” is best known to each of them and should be explained to the Oregon voters before the next election; certainly I am affording them yet another opportunity to respond, since they already know my legal name and contact information.

Every frontline covert operator working deep cover assignments, Non-Criminal Federal Witnesses and Government Whistleblowers who are granted a fraudulent Protective Person’s Status under Title 18 of the U.S.C. only to become unknowing human test animals in clandestine experiments, on average begin developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] within 24 days of exposure in their given operational areas. Some are affected sooner and all experience the complete deconstruction of Constitutional Civil Liberties and inalienable human rights entitled any person [human being] and/or an American citizen after being psychologically pressed into the Federal Witness Protection Program.

The oil rich nations of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Dubai that supported the attacks against America on 911, today are the only entities making money during the final glut of their end game to destroy America with the treasonous assistance of their complicit partners in the Republican Bush-Cheney administration.

With every economic hardship that our fellow human brothers and sisters are continuing to experience with the collapse of U.S. Republican capitalism, respectfully for those of us who remain an unseen minority as a protect class within plain-sight of mainstream America, the concentrated formulas used against us are horrifically deconstructive and are infinitely worse than anything being generally experienced at this moment.

This is Clandestine Genocide being conducted against American citizens by the U.S. Government. For my group of Veterans of Voluntary Covert National Service, no matter how much the economy and life improves for the majority of Americans living on Main Street, USA, our existence as Non-Criminal Federal Witnesses, Government Whistleblowers and Targeted Individuals [TIs] will remain one of Adjunct Human Slavery within a Virtual Death Camp Environment that continues to systematically and systemically murder our members who are equally entitled American citizens of good character. From that hellish place we watch the blessings of liberty enjoyed by our fellow citizens like “bubble boys” able to move about you while never allowed to penetrate the membrane of that inhuman vessel that falsely imprisons us away from our constitutional entitlements and inalienable human rights. The culpable actors within the U.S. Government have made it virtually if not completely impossible for most of use to find employment. The women in our group have to a degree been able to obtain public assistance, albeit an unnatural deduction from their former financial statuses before the WitSec Program.

This becomes an egregious human rights violation and Constitutional Crime committed by the U.S. Government against its veterans of covert national service who apparently are systemically targeted for eventual death following their voluntary participation as partisans of liberty.

A convicted felon in prison has more recognized civil liberties and opportunities made available to them than American citizen who went above and beyond the call of duty to participate in our government system to make the world and our nation a better place for all human beings.

Female Government Witness and Whistleblower Subjected to Rape Torture!

One female government witness and whistleblower recently communicated that following her discovery that a number of Republican Senators were laundering millions in U.S. taxpayers’ dollars through quasi federal programs, that she was kidnapped and subjugated to human sexual slavery for the sadistic pleasures of those wishing her death. Once programmed through mind-control techniques she was raped for two days, hung by the neck and thought left for dead until she awoke in a pool of her own blood and feces with her sexual organs destroyed.

After a 24 hour reconstructive surgery and a period of recuperation, she returned to a university where she completed her degrees only to have those targeting her for torture and mind-control, separate her from securing those University Degrees while leaving her with $30 thousand dollars in debts for student loans. Somehow she will have to pay-off those federal student loans while continuing to seek restorative justice and restitution for the crimes committed against her. Be aware that all American citizens and other innocent victims of genocidal human experimentation are being subjected to these crimes against humanity by the same individuals who espouse the rights of a blastocyst while processing Christianity. That said, even the members of the Nazi SS attended the Catholic Church.

Like this brutalized human being and gentle woman, I remain disenfranchised from the completion of my degrees by the actionable offences of the WitSec Program and without an audit conducted by the federal government, to this day I am not certain if the WitSec Inspectors actually caused me to pay nearly double what I owed in federal student loans.

Under the Bush oligarchy and within the Bush-Cheney administration, whose members were the first to avoid government service and the first to send our youth to be murdered for financial profits, a former Nazi became a Catholic Pope and the grandfather of Karl Rove [Roverer] aka “The Architect” built the Birkenau death camp. Karl Heinz Roverer was the Gauleiter of Oldenburg. Roverer was the Reich-Statthalter or Nazi State Party Chairman for his region. He was also a partner and senior engineer in the Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurburo A.G. engineering firm, which built the Birkenau death camp where tens of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, dissidents and others were slaughtered through genocide. During that time and before while reaching back to 1920, the namesake of the two Bush presidents, George Herbert Walker and former Republican Senator, Prescott Bush laundered the financial assets of the Nazi industrial complex through WWI, WWII, and the Jewish Holocaust against the United States of America while our nation was at war with Nazi Germany. That treasonous legacy continues today as recognized since September 11, 2001.

The Federal Witness Protection Program with its “deep state” blackops proponents sharpened the blade of tactics later used against detainees inside Abu Ghraib Prison on the unknowing human test animals within the WitSec black project. To date the CIA torture matrix has killed and murdered an estimated 115 human slaves tortured to death inside Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq; 35 were ruled homicides. The developers of the ongoing CIA torture matrix within the U.S. Government continue to target innocent American citizens for “slow kill” and “silent kill” deaths on U.S. soil and the majority of our alleged elected representatives remain silent. What excuse will they give when this matter reaches the light of public examination?

Other Examples of Black Protects Shrouded from Public Scrutiny

Some other examples of the programs and shrouds used as covers for the testing and development of the torture matrix include: The War for Profit Corporatist Deconstruction and Reconstruction Model; the No Child Left Behind Initiative that erodes the education process in High Schools, funds the testing materials exclusively sold by Neil Bush’s education software company, defrauds varying percentages of students from attending college, herds others into the cheap labor pools, and targets new immigrant American citizens for military service under an anti-American and treasonous administration; the New Phoenix Program; “Project Monarch II”; the CIA MK-ULTRA Program [the Manhattan Project of mind-control to create the perfect Manchurian Candidate] with projects Bluebird, Artichoke and over 250 subprojects; Dr. Ewen Cameron’s development of the July 1963, CIA KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec; “Project X” where KUBARK and other new variations that had largely been used in South America from 1983 to 1987 were remixed into a second “Bible” of the perfect torturer, titled Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual - 1993; the events surrounding Hurricane Katrina and the genocide of New Orleans with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ funding for strengthening the levees being diverted by Republicans to build a “Teapot Museum in North Carolina”; the FEMA trailer camp as Guantanamo Bay in New Orleans with free bus rides to Wal-Mart; Guantanamo Bay Prison, Cuba; Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq; the three word mantra “War on Terror”; Color Code Terrorism Alerts and related Fear Tactics [terrorism]; Fluctuating Gasoline Prices that rise and fall with pending legislation and elections; the Attacks on September 11, 2001 by the oil trading partners of the Bush family; the 911 Postal Anthrax from the top secret laboratory at Fort Detrick, MD and the alleged suicide of Dr. Bruce E. Ivans; the 1953 staged suicide/murder of Dr. Frank Olson, from the top secret laboratory at Fort Detrick, MD; the tactics of Psyops Terrorism used against the American people and the world; the Genocide of over 100,000 innocent Iraqis [women, men, children, and infants] as War Crimes and First Degree Murder; the unconstitutional Judicial Selection of a U.S. President; the lies told to regain control of a Democratic Congress only to deconstruct the U.S. Constitution and the hopes of American citizens with Nancy Pelosi’s “Impeachment is off the Table”; “No-Touch” Invisible Physical Torture Techniques; Targeting Individuals [TIs] with Psychotronic Weapons using Electromagnetic Pulse Energy, Radiofrequency, Microwave Radiation, and Subliminal Imaging to “Alter” Brainwave Patterns that collectively result in Mind-Control or “Brainwashing”; the “Memory Pill” aka Brainwashing made simple by Big Pharma [also involved with MK-ULTRA]; the Punishing of Goodness while Rewarding Criminality and Gross Incompetence; Pharmaceutical particulates in our Toilet to Tap Drinking Water Systems; Atmospheric Nitrogen Fertilizer and Sulfuric Acid from Coal Furnaces compounding Global Warming and Affecting the Balance of Nature with increasing numbers of Dead Zone in the Earth’s Oceans; Plastics Consumer Products manufactured from Oil being used as “Slow Kill” Poison Delivery Systems; Video Surveillance Cameras installed on virtually every street pole for the harvest of a Retinal Recognition Database while simultaneously causing Desensitization to Empirical Intimate Intrusions and Psyops Suppression of the Sovereign Thought Process to create a Toxic and Self-Consuming Society [Self-Inflicted Harm of the CIA Torture Matrix]; Microwave Antenna Arrays positioned throughout most cities that have been removed in Germany from the known harm caused by prolonged exposure; the Psychological Instruction of being Electronically Strip Searched or Raped by X-Ray Body Scanners at Airports while some unknown operator sits in a closed room recording the images of small children and adults into a Republican Pedophile Database; the Electoral College measured against the Popular Vote to manipulate the will of “We the People”; Electronic Voting Machine Irregularities; Ad Nauseam Rhetoric repeated through the Propaganda Ministries that have deconstructed a Constitutionally Entitled Free Press; and the Deregulation and Privatization of America’s Economic Infrastructure to finish what they started on 911. All of the above and more, depending on the individual concentration or a collective lamination of same, recognize the means of causing psyops terrorism and torture technique that although tested on those of us who walk unseen among you in their most concentrated forms, have increasingly been implemented against the general population of America and the World since September 11, 2001.

Standing Alone for the Human Victims of Torture.

With the exceptions of Senator, Barack Obama; Congressman, Dennis Kucinich; and Congressman, Elijah E. Cummings, the majority of our elected Congressional members, including my Senator, Ron Wyden and Congressman, David Wu have supported genocidal torture programs through their craven silence and failure to implement a Congressional investigation regarding my firsthand experience of having become an unknowing human test animal and victim of torture as Non-Criminal Federal Witness, No.: 7001.

Even though John McCain publically stated “my friends no American would allow genocide to occur when it is completely within our power to stop it.” This unfortunately is not the case and like the past this same government demeanor that once allowed the genocide of over 6,000,000 human beings during the Jewish Holocaust is at play again. My story, Black File 7001 has been blacklisted by the propagandized corporate news media, most of the progressive news media, including Democracy Now, NOW on PBS, Air America Radio, and The Ed Schultz Show. Of course talk radio is what it is and I quit listening over a year ago, but Democracy Now and NOW on PBS, are two shows that I have followed and supported for years; only they will be able to answer the reasons for their own silence.

Currently and while still seeking asylum in Canada, I am attempting to contact Oprah Winfrey with Harpo Productions, Inc., the Canadian BBC and would welcome communications with any genuine journalism organization, publisher, film maker, literary agent or elected political representative willing to discuss the Black File 7001 story. My thank to those of you who have sent a petition to the Government of Canada requesting they grant asylum under the conventions of torture cited by the UNHCR and retroprosity for my Protective Person’s Status issued by U.S. Attorney General, Janet Reno under Title 18 of the United States Code.

The Bush-Cheney administration validates Black File 7001

Ironically, Black File 7001 has been reverse validated by the Bush-Cheney administration through their federal agent’s unlawful use of a communication facility while telephonically threatening, “Bah – you have people in very high places afraid to death that you are going to destroy their programs and they said if you publish your book, they will “invent” a criminal charge against you.” Following my invitation for his handler’s to go pound salt in their asses, agents of the Sensitive Operations Division of the Social Security Administration and the WitSec Program first awarded my Social Security Disability Benefits and then in an act of political retribution, punitively withdrew same under written letters of protest from the U.S. Government’s own federal judge. In an egregious violation of several federal laws that extend to a charge of treason under the Federal Identities Act, those mandated with my protection deliberately commingled federally sealed classified government documents and illegally unsealed my covert SSA file for public viewing from January 8, 2001 [my son’s birthday] until the U.S. Attorney in Seattle, WA suddenly contacted my attorney advising that she was filing a Motion to Reseal on July 14, 2008 – the Bush-Cheney administration is trying to perform a cover-up of the many crimes committed against me. A federal court judge is deciding the case on civil appeal in Seattle, WA.

Again, the administrators of the Federal Witness Protection Program [WitSec] have lied before the U.S. Congress regarding the deaths of government witnesses from the causal effects of the genocidal program while financially raping the American taxpayers with padded numbers they alleged represents 18,000 government witnesses when liberally speaking the number is more likely no higher than 8,500. Only 6% of the total number are Non-Criminal Federal Witnesses and the rest are Custodial and Criminal Federal Witnesses.

The ongoing egregious federal crimes and human rights violations committed against me directly or in layers and the mechanisms that have denied my constitutional right of legal redress under duplicitous use of national security protocols, have deconstructed my ability to enjoy the fundamental right to life, complete my university degrees, secure employment, recognize my Social Security, and retain my Social Security Disability Benefits from the actionable offences committed in political retribution by a corrupt government system that has leaking classified government information under Title 18 of the United States Code to a telecommunications company engaged in this blackops RICO conspiracy. The erosive effects caused by psyops and “no-touch” invisible physical torture by the U.S. Government, recognizes a resulting harm that has remained infinitely more damaging during the past eight years than the singular event relating to the Valerie Plame Wilson matter.

The list of criminal offenses committed against me along with the commingling and leaking of federally sealed and classified information is lengthy and has created a mortal threat environment around my geographic location in violation of the WitSec mandate. This further serves as the U.S. Government’s passive sanction for my assassination that increasingly becomes a probability nearing the end of the treasonous Bush-Cheney administration.

Under this administration and others, this is the clandestine reward for those good citizens and former law enforcement members who gave something extra in service to our nation. With a Protective Person’s Status as a Protected Class, we are “disappeared” into an unequal parallel within our mothercountry that is barren of constitutional civil liberties and inalienable human rights. While being mummified for voluntary covert national service, our individual sense of self-identity is eroded into an existence of adjunct human slavery within a virtual death camp environment were an unnatural death waits in the shadows. Once situated in the plain-sight of the general population, we are confronted by the constant threat of lethal deportation or vicarious extraordinary rendition back to our birth identities and certain death from known mortal threats and often the actionable offences committed in political retribution by the very U.S. Government personnel allegedly tasked with our protection.

Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.

Many of you have written Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada and again I am indebted to you for your sense of humanity and kindness. Should any of you have time or the inclination, I would be equally grateful for a note being sent to your Elected Representatives, Oprah Winfrey, the BBC, and any progressive journalist who might assist me in sharing the Black File 7001 story. Whether my life is forfeited in this process, G-d or the Mother of All Things has placed this mission in my path and as her servant I obey.