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A New Method to Subvert Election Results-I Recieved One of These Yesterday

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From: Claudia
To: patrick bellringer
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 1:18 PM
Subject: A New Method to Subvert Election Results-I Recieved One of These Yesterday
Yesterday, in my mail, we (my husband and I) received a totally unsolicited application for absentee ballots. I had never voted that way in the past, so I thought this was rather odd. The supposed sender was none other than our Indianapolis Republican mayor, Greg Ballard.

Today, in my email, I received the message below in a ''digest email'' format. Yesterday, I signed up for a new Yahoo group. Initially, I thought this did not apply to me, because I am a registered Republican---or so I thought; however, I do recall voting as a Democrat in the primaries. I absolutely did not wish to see Hillary Clinton's name on any ballot. I voted for Obama. I am now thinking the McCain people got my name from the list of Democratic primary voters. This is an extremely sinister method to subvert the election results.



Sent: 9/12/2008 5:34:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time

Subj: [actionla] Phony Absentee Ballots

Progressive talk show host Lee Rayburn has gotten dozens of contacts from voters in Wisconsin, mostly recently moved, who are complaining that they  have received unsolicited absentee ballot applications sent to their new addresses (not forwarded) from the McCain campaign, and that those applications have as the return address the county clerk of their FORMER address. While he was talking about this on the air today, other voters from Florida and North Carolina, as well as more from Wisconsin called to report that they had   received the same. A number said that the were not registered Democrats, but had donated to Obama, so it appears that the public donor lists were the McCain campaign's source of the names. This had to have been cross-checked with change-of-address info at the BOEs.

This dirty trick serves a dual purpose. First the votes won't be counted. Second, and equally distressing, the inaccurate returned applications will  be used by Republican state legislators to claim fraud by Democrats, and to  push through laws with harsh voter ID provisions with which it is hard for poorer registrants to comply. This will suppress the vote in future elections.

Everyone who receives absentee ballot applications from the McCain campaign, or any unsolicited absentee ballot applications, needs (a)to not use them, (b)to publicize the problem as widely as possible including their state Democratic Party and the media, and (c)to demand an investigation by their Secretary of State immediately.