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The Voice of the White House for September 12th 2008

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he American public.. Bush is loathed, the economy has tanked and will tank worse, the wars go on without end, the corruption in the present government is out of control and reminds me of some third world country. Both McCain and Palin are part and parcel of the mindsets of the Bush people. They have done everything but call Obama a nigger but if they did, it would not surprise me. Losers always play dirty.

The inclusion of Sarah Palin on the McCain ticket was a terrible mistake. McCain was bound and determined that Joe Lieberman be his vice president but the leadership of the GOP told him repeatedly and heatedly that if he did that, he automatically would lose the election. Lieberman is viewed as a turncoat and a loud supporter of Israel and in our current political climate, no one cares about a turncoat but they do not like Israel or her loud, demanding and backstabbing supporters. Then he chose Governor Palin, about whom little is known to the electorate.

Put forward as a maverick, she is in truth a catastrophe. She was not vetted by anyone because someone quickly had to be found to satisfy the enraged McCain. Sarah is indeed a walking political disaster.

If the GOP was afraid of Joe Lieberman, they will be terrified of the damage the Devine Sarah can cause. There is much in her background that will most certainly emerge, most especially since she has savagely attacked the American media. Yammering negativity to the media is like punching a state trooper in the nose when he stops you from driving at 90 on the median strip. Problemw will certainly follow.

All of the following material is taken from a confidential DoJ report sitting on my desk as I write.

The Republican’s unvetted choice was born Sarah Louise Heath on February 11, 1964 at Sandpoint, Idaho. Her father, Charles Heath was a science teacher and her mother, Sally Sheeran Heath was listed as a housewife. Sarah attended a number of schools and finally received a BA in journalism from the University of Idaho. Her current husband, Todd, is a Native American Yup'ik Eskimo and works for BP at one of their Alaskan oil fields and does part-time work as a fisherman.

They have five children. Their eldest son, Track, 19, is in the U.S. army and their three daughters, Bristol, 18, Willow, 14 and Piper, 7. In 2008 (April 18, 2008), a son, Trig was born. This child suffers from Mongoloidism. Their second unmarried daughter Willow, is now pregnant.

The Palin family lives in Wasilla, about 40 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from a number of thoroughly unpleasant episodes concerning family members, overcharging the state, heavy involvement with corrupt local politicians, attempts to foster her personal religious beliefs (Palin is a very active and aggressive Evangelical) there is the question of family matters she has attempted to conceal to advance her political career. Governor Palin “proudly displays” an Israeli flag in her gubernatorial office and for a very good reason.

Her maternal grandfather, Schmuel Sheigam, was a Lithuanian Jew, born in 1912 in Vilkaviskis, Lithuania, 91.2 miles west of Vilnius. The Sheigam family immigrated to America, via Hamburg, Germany in 1915 because of WWI.At Ellis Island Immigration Centre, the name was entered as Sheeran, a standard practice of the time when immigration officers were unable to understand the pronunciation of non-English speaking immigrants. Sheeran is a common Irish name but members of the Sheigam family are buried in the Jewish cemetery at Budezeriai near Vilkaviskis:in Lithuania

Further information on Governor Palin’s ancestors can easily be found in the vital records in the Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilnius. The Archives holds birth, marriage, divorce, and death records for the Lithuanian Jewish community from 1851 until 1915 when the Jews were required to leave the country because of World War I. They are in 18th Century Cyrillic script and Yiddish Many of these records include the mother's maiden name and town of registration.

The Georgian Disaster
September 12th 2008
by Brian Harring

The Bush Administration is now having serious problems with Georgian President Saakashvili. He has always been seen as an excellent political tool, very pro-American, very anti-Putin and a man who had received over $860,000 USD from the American government for his “friendly cooperation” in permitting American and Israeli intelligence and military units to develop a striking base in his country aimed at both Russia and Iran.

Saakashvili. has had three highly informative and secret email exchanges (on September 3,4 and 5th) with American Vice President Cheney and two with American Secretary of State Rice (on September 1 and 3rd) concerning the future of Georgia. Since email privacy is impossible to maintain, the contents of these messages are certainly not secret.

  • Saakashvili has reiterated repeatedly, and very forcefully, that he wants the U.S. to reequip the Georgian army to the level it was at prior to the military events with Russia in early August.
  • Saakashvili insists that the U.S. develop a large naval base at Poti, the oil refinery port, to protect it from the Russians.
  • Saakashvili wants a large number of American troops stationed in Georgia for a protracted period to physically protect that country by their presence.
  • Saakashvili is also asking Israel to occupy at least one air base and to station a significant number of bombing aircraft there to facilitate a planned attack on Iran or on Russian forces should they invade Georgian territory again.
  • Saakashvili stated that he planned to equip loyalist local militias in the two provinces, Abkhazia and South Ossetia ,with sufficient weapons to harass and drive out the Russian occupiers
  • Saakashvili intends to ask Israel to send tactical atomic weapons to Georgia to maintain a balance against Russian aggression..
  • Saakashvili vowed on September 6 to regain control over the two independence-seeking provinces of by military force at the earliest possible opportunity..

Major problems facing Washington include:

* The total inability of the U.S. to field a significant force of ground troops anywhere in the area due to prior needs in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Small numbers of American military personnel (there were two thousand such personnel in Georgia before that country attacked South Ossetia and then were forced to rapidly evacuate following a massive Russian military incursion) could be made available but large and determinant numbers are not possible and this is certainly well-known to the public.

* The well-publicized instability of Saakashvili who can best termed a loose cannon. Although a bought-and-paid-for American source, the Georgian leader, cozened and flattered by the Bush White House, has come to believe that he is America’s darling who can do as he wishes with their complete support. He has pranced around the state, shouting to his fellow-countrymen and giving the finger to Vladimir Putin.

* A treacherous ally, Israel, who thinks that, like Georgia’s President, that they have the full and unconditional backing of the Bush White House (but certainly not the Ametican public) and have been working both sides of the block at the same time, swearing total allegiance to the United States while passing our military, economic and political secrets to the Russians.

* A strong reluctance on the part of Turkey to let American naval units take up residence in the Black Sea. The only entrance and exit for such units would be through Turkish territorial waters and Turkey has a very understandable desire not to provoke economic or military responses from Russia.

A Russian GRU report, under date of September 3, 2008, concerning one aspect of the huge trove of American and Israeli intelligence documents found abandoned in Georgia by both American intelligence units as well as Israeli, disclosed that the U.S. electronic equipment captured at Poti by Russian spesnatz units was partially manufactured, under U.S. license, at Odessa in the Ukraine. The Ukraine is not a member of NATO, but NATO-compatible sensitive military equipment is being manufactured in a non-NATO country. The Russian reports goes on to state that the Georgian military not only abandoned “significant amounts of” valuable equipment, but essentially totally compromised both the American and Israeli intelligence network set up in Georgia for the purpose of electronic spying on Iran, Russia and Turkey.

As a matter of record, once this story was published, the American military immediately denied that anyone captured any sensitive American documents. Unfortunately, the Russians did and are now quietly releasing the results of their finds. On the other hand, the Israelis are smart enough to keep their mouths shut about what the Russians discovered about their activities.

The Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, turned out to be an utter disaster in conducting surveillance over Russian territory prior to the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia. Russian aircraft, aided by their new radar systems, were able to shoot down all of these craft and subsequent incursions by Russian forces overran Israeli reconnaissance control bases and captured a number of intact drones of different types as well as a wealth of technical data and many reconnaissance films taken on earlier incursions of Russian air space.

Russian counter-intelligence units also seized copies of the computer files of the Georgian government, including highly sensitive diplomatic messaging from, and to, the following individuals and entities:

  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA in Georgia John Teft
  • the delegation of the EU Troika represented by Eric Fournier
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of France - current EU Presidency, Robin Liddell
  • First Counselor of the European Commission’s Delegation to Georgia and Ivan Jestřā
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic - next EU Presidency
  • Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation – State Secretary G. Karasin
  • representatives of the Embassies of the New Group of Georgia’s Friends: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic accredited in Georgia
  • representatives of the Embassies of the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and China
  • Director of the Policy Planning Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia Tiit Matsulevitš
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in Georgia Mikolas Spiss
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to Georgia Toomas Lukk
  • delegation of the EU Troika represented by Fabienne Drout-Lozinski
  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Georgia Denis Keefe
  • representatives of the Embassies of the Netherlands, Italy, Holy See, Turkey, France, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Ukraine to Georgia
  • Deputy US Ambassador Kent Loxton and representative of the Embassy’s political division Joy Davis Kirshner
  • the diplomatic corps accredited in Georgia
  • Permanent Representative of Georgia to the UN, Ambassador Irakli Alasania

Also discovered were the special bank accounts into which the United States Embassy, acting for “several” other American agencies, (CIA and DoS) paid monies for the “personal use” of President Saakashvili:

Bank Accounts

For transactions in GEL

Beneficiary’s Bank: “Basis Bank”Bank Code : 220101956


Account Number # : 134530

Total deposits from State Department accounts: $275,000

For transactions in US Dollars




Account Number # 134530

Total deposits from State Department accounts $400,000

For transactions in Euro and other convertible currency:




Account Number #134530

Total deposits from State Department accounts: $185,000