The Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution are Organic Law of the Land. The Law of the Land is all Common Law. It functions on the land jurisdiction of the United States and is attached to it. A Common Law Court functions only within the geographically defined boundaries it serves. All the offices associated with a Common Law jurisdiction or a Common Law Court including the Office of Sheriff are by definition Public Offices. They are administered under the Organic Law and the Public Law of the United States known as the United States Statutes at Large. All Public Offices serve the government "of the people, for the people, and by the people". All Public Offices are created and maintained by unincorporated body politics---- free associations of landowners and other members of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States". As you can see from reading Amendment VII, all conflicts arising between people and affecting private property of value in excess of $20 are owed service by a Common Law Court. The Sheriff on the land is responsible for the enforcement of the Organic Law of our nation, including The Constitution, and the Public Law. He is the highest peacekeeping officer in America within the boundaries of his County. He has sweeping powers to deputize men and commandeer equipment, facilities, and supplies to secure the peace and guarantee the enforcement of the Organic Law. A Sheriff on the land is elected by the people acting in free association as landowners in their counties. He has a Public Bond and he has an Oath of Public Office.
His job is to ride herd on corporations in general and employees of federal corporations especially. These corporations set up as franchises of the parent federal corporation are all required to abide by the in-house rules of the "United States, Inc." or whatever federal corporation is acting as Queen Bee at the time. Theirs is a government "of the corporation, by the corporation, and for the corporation". His job does not involved enforcement of the Organic or Public Laws. His job is merely "code, statute, and regulation enforcement" that is meant to apply solely to corporations and corporate entities--- trusts, transmitting utilities, and so on. He does not have a Public Bond, does not have an Oath of Public Office, He's in the same status as a Mall Cop and has no lawful right to deputize anyone or commandeer anything. He is in private rather than public capacity and should not continue to call himself a "Sheriff" because there are no Sheriffs operating within the international jurisdiction of the sea and continuing to call himself a "Sheriff" sets up a condition of constructive fraud for which he can be held accountable.
PS---- Yes, this DOES mean that every improper "federal action" from Ruby Ridge to Waco to the Bundy Ranch has been absolutely, totally against the Organic and Public Law of the United States and those who participated in and carried out these actions under Color of Law are international criminals guilty of multiple capital crimes and/or trespass offenses.
When we finally unravel the story of what went on with the Twin Towers attack, there will be plenty more to add to the docket.
See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website here:www.annavo