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How to Step Out of the System

Willem Dragstra

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willem dragstra

To step out of the system we need to de-register but in such a way that we do not collapse the estate which, by law, relates to us as a living man.
read this carefully (from a friend)
The hold of the state on men and women did not occur just because you were issued with a Birth Certificate. (Which, by the way, is NOT the Birth Certificate). What you hold as a Birth Certificate is only a certified COPY of the Birth Certificate and it isn’t even a full copy. ‘They’ own and keep the original because they created it. They cut the bottom part of it off giving you a partial copy. So let’s step back from that. To more basic things.
If we step back to the basics we must face the fact that we, in this mortal existence CAN’T actually own anything. Yes, that’s right. We cannot OWN anything. But what we have, in fact, is a global system which claims to OWN everything. Which acts as if it does own things. By ‘REGISTERING’ things. Including the control of men. They act as if they do own things. Their entire system is built on that giant delusion. Though, in reality, ‘The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof’. Thus, the current system of control is only a clever counterfeit. Not by accident that the Common Law never recognises the absolute right of land ownership, for example. The system acts as if IT owns everything. Using terms such as Steward, Manager, etc, etc. With bits of paper etc etc etc.
You must first realise the fact that you CAN’T own anything. ‘The earth is the Lord’s and fullness thereof’. And there is NO MONEY you can pay for anything with. Believe it or not.
To illustrate the truth of this (even within the system) everything has been turned over and surrendered to the STATE around the year of 1933. Most of us today were born after the STATE already took what they say is ownership of everything. So if the STATE already claims to own everything, how are you able to get ownership or use of anything without first getting them, the STATE, to release their ownership interest to you? To some extent ?
Nor can you buy anything from someone else 0 because they don’t own anything to be able to sell to you! Everything they “think” they own is, as said, already owned by the STATE. And that’s the system as it stands. It really is.
The previous system went into bankruptcy around 1933 onwards and its rulers turned everything over to those bankers. The system took away all the gold and gave it to the bankers. They took all the property and pledged it all as a security for their new emerging system. They created, in fact, a fictional “person” system through the birth certificate and they used that to pledge all your future labour as security. Thus, contrary to our assumption, we have no ability to buy anything because there is no real money to buy anything with. And even if you had gold or silver they have outlawed being able to use that to pay any debts with. Furthermore, THEY control the gold and precious metals markets. Of course they do.
So the STATE now claims ownership of everything.
Does that sound bleak ? It does. Except for this –
Why would you OWN and be liable for everything through the system when you can simply have free USE and CONTROL of anything you actually need? Entirely lawfully !!
In fact you may acquire anything you need and USE it as a USER and have no liability at all. For, as said, the STATE will still claim ownership and must pay for everything, since it retains all the liability. That is the price of ownership, after all.
The reason YOU end up being held liable and become what is called the fudiciary isn’t because you hold a COPY of a birth certificate or because you USE their drivers license or their Social Security system, or have a Marriage Certificate etc. None of that stuff made that Name YOU. All of those documents, those systems, are really THEIRS, INCLUDING THE NAME LISTED ON THOSE DOCUMENTS AND FORMS. Right ? You are merely the USER of those things. THE PROBLEM OCCURS WHEN YOU, IGNORANTLY CLAIM TO BE THAT NAME. AND/OR WHEN YOU CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF ANY PROPERTY WHATSOEVER.
The problem begins, in fact, when you CLAIM to BE that NAME. It continues until you realise this. And since nobody ever objects to rebut your false claim to BE the Name in a court, and since nobody ever objects to rebut it the judge/magistrate has no choice but to accept your claim. The Judge/Magistrate knows (of course) you are NOT the Name but he cannot rebut your false presumption when you claim to BE whatever or whoever you claim to be. Since there is no witness saying anything to the contrary. Except the possibility of YOU !! And, since you seem determined to be the NAME he takes you on that basis. Which IS THE SYSTEM.
Is a Prosecutor going to stand up and rebut your claim to be JOHN SMITH ? No. You see, they WANT you to claim the NAME or to claim ownership of the property. So they can hold you liable as the fudiciary. (A fudiciary is liable to pay the debts of the NAME merely because you claim to BE the NAME).
It is obvious that if you DON’T claim to be the NAME and NEVER CLAIM OWNERSHIP of anything, there is nothing they (the system) can do to you. They will then have to settle the matter on their own. And they will do so. Because you never consented to BE the NAME in that matter and have never claimed ownership, of anything. In such a case the system itself allows you to USE whatever you need and all bills related to doing so are sent to the Comptroller to be settled.
To illustrate the immense importance of this subject here is an example. There was a Supreme Court Judge who went on record saying there is not a single person sitting in any jail who did not VOLUNTEER to be there. Not one !! That’s quite a statement, isn’t it ? That’s because, without exception, all prisoners claimed to be the NAME. Which is, as more and more people see, a fictional entity created by the state itself and owned by the state and in which all property ever acquired under that fictional NAME has been registered with and is claimed by the State. Since that name is owned by and managed by the state itself.
So, why would you want to claim OWNERSHIP of property you don’t own in their system just to accept the liability for doing so, when it really isn’t yours in the first place ?
You have in fact the alternative – the one they don’t want you to discover. You have the USE and CONTROL of property (whatever you may lawfully require) without ever having liability for it. Except in cases where you cause loss or harm to others. This is obtained by NOT claiming ownership of it and never claiming to BE the NAME.
Once you really understand how they have set this system up and know who you

are and what you are not, you see just how brilliantly this system was

designed. It is only because of our ignorance in not knowing who we really are and not knowing how they set this system up, we managed to turn the whole thing upside down by being raised to believe WE are debtors and we have ownership of property – when we don’t and are in fact CREDITORS and it’s THEY who are the DEBTORS. Because of this system their GREED has got the best of them

because they discovered how easy it is to steal our wealth from us. Our ignorance of never knowing who we are and never knowing the means by which they

set this system up.

In ignorance of these facts we have been using all our energy to resist them and claiming to be the NAME and by arguing with them claiming WE have ownership of property – when it is THEY that have all the ownership of everything and WE are just the USER of everything.
To be able to get beyond their system in a practical, lawful and sustainable way we must establish, first of all, the CLAIM OF RIGHT TO SET OFF.
This CLAIM OF RIGHT TO SET OFF must be done FIRST !!
This fact explains why other systems, other approaches to resolving the ’system’ do not work. Such as A4V. One MUST first establish individually the CLAIM OF RIGHT and obtain the lawful jurisdiction to set off value. Then and ONLY then can a man break free of the system.
To de-register requires the individual to make a Claim of Right. Without which no system can work. This ‘Claim of Right’ is what is missing from website forums. It is hidden. Because most websites are giving half truths.
research also the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666

June 3, 2011