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----- Original Message -----
From:  LF
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:56 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Washington State holds the chain of custody for the constitutional republic upon which the nation is founded (Pre Civil War), and WASHINGTON D.C. is the corporate seat of government after the Civil War. The facts leading to these conclusions and the force and effects are verifiable through the public records as follows:


Full Faith and Credit under the Constitution of the United States (1776) Article IV sec. 1\"Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.\"

By Act of May 26, 1790, vol. 1, p, 115, Congress provided the mode by which the public records and acts are to be authenticated for full faith and credit, in every court within the United States as they have where the records were taken: \"The said records and judicial proceedings, shall be authenticated by oath or affirmation before a person authorized to administer the oath of office; and the person or persons so administering the oath hereby required to be taken, shall cause a record or certificate thereof to be made, in the same manner, as, by the law of the State, he or they shall be directed to record or certify the oath of office. By Supplementary Act of March 27, 1804, vol. 7, p. 153, § 2, the provisions of the original Act of 26th May, 1790, states it shall apply as well to the records and courts of the respective territories of the United States and countries subject to the jurisdiction of the United States as to the records and courts of the several states. It is a cardinal rule of statutory construction that significance and effect shall, if possible, be accorded to every word. If it can be prevented, no clause, sentence, or word, shall be superfluous, void, or insignificant.\' United States v. Lexington Mill & E. Co., 232 US 399, pp. 409. (1914)

In 1813 the Supreme Court of the United States decided the case of Mills v. Duryee, 11 U.S. 7 Cranch 481 481 (1813).  (The underlying case dealt with whether or not there is a debt owed drawing into question the judicial records in one state and whether or not they should be given full faith and credit in another state, claiming there is \"no record of the proceedings\". The Court said, \"The act declares that the record duly authenticated shall have such faith and credit as it has in the state court from whence it is taken. If in such court it has the faith and credit of evidence of the highest nature, viz., record evidence, it must have the same faith and credit in every other court\".  The Supreme Court of the United States said Congress gave the effect of a record to the judgment it gave all the collateral consequences. It may be proved in the manner prescribed by the act (full faith and credit), and such proof is of as high a nature as an inspection by the court of its own record, or as an exemplification would be in any other court of the same state. The original need not be produced; an exemplification would be decisive and extends to every court within the United States.  The Court said the act of Congress meant that a judgment conclusive in a court of a particular state where it is rendered is conclusive in everywhere and entitled to have the same effect.  (Bold italics added for effect.)




Thirty-seven years later on Sept 16, 1850  THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS Sess.I Ch.52,53. 1850 the Notary Act was passed authorizing Notaries Public duly appointed in any State or Territory to take and certify Oaths, Affirmations and Acknowledgments stating they shall have the same force and effect as if taken or made by or before justice or justices of the peace and such oaths affirmations and the seal and signature is sufficient in themselves to establish the official character of such notary, but the same shall be shown by other proper evidence. The validity of a judgment that is the result of the Constitution cannot be impeached. A judgment of a court of a state in which the cause of action did not arise, but based on an award of arbitration had in the state in which the cause did arise, is conclusive, and, under the full faith and credit clause of the federal Constitution Article IV Section 1, and Section 3 congress shall have the power to dispose of and make all needed Rules a!

 nd Regulations respecting the Territory, and Section 4, The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government,  must be given effect in the latter state, notwithstanding the award was for a claim which could not, under the laws of that state, have been enforced in any of its courts. Fauntleroy v. Lum, 210 U.S. 230 



Congress has the power of a local legislature and may, pursuant to Article I, Sec. 8, cl.9, 18, vest jurisdiction to hear matters of local law and local concerns in courts not having Article III characteristics.  In summary, territorial courts are Article I courts in which Notaries Public are granted full faith and credit for their books and records duly authenticated by oaths and affirmations and the seal and signature and other proper with full force and effect as if taken or made by or before justice or justices of the peace.

In 1853 Washington was granted Territorial status and was subject to the laws of Congress deciding Bullene v. Garrison 1 Wash Terr. 587 (1879) a notaryâ?Ts authority may not be questioned collaterally.â? In  1889 Washington was granted Statehood.  In abbreviated substance, the Washington State Constitution acknowledges all political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.

Article 1, Section 1; in Article 1, Section 2 it accepts the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land; Article 1, Section prohibits deprivation of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; Article 27 Section 1 declares and ordains that no existing rights, actions, suits, proceedings, contracts or claims...shall continue as if no such change had taken place; and all process which may have been issued under the authority of the Territory of Washington previous to its admission into the Union shall be as valid as if issued in the name of the state; Article 27 Section  2 declares that all laws now in force in the Territory of Washington, ...not repugnant to this Constitution, shall remain in force until they expire by their own limitation, or are altered or repealed by the legislature: Provided, That this section shall not be so construed as to validate any act of the legislature of Washington Territory granting shore or tide lands to any person, company or any municipal or private corporation.  Article 27 Section 6  retains all territorial officers now holding their office under the authority of the United States, or of the Territory of Washington, shall continue to hold and exercise their respective offices until they shall be superseded by the authority of the state.  Both constitutions are common law documents. (RCW) 1.12.030 (Revised Code of Washington) states the common law is not superceded. RCW 4.04.010 The common law, so far as it is not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of the state of Washington nor incompatible with the institutions and condition of society in this state, shall be the rule of decision in all the courts of this state. RCW6.36.010 defines a foreign judgment as any judgment, decree or order of a court of the United States or of any state or territory which is entitled to full faith and credit in this state. RCW 42.44.140 a \"notarial act has the same effect under the law of Washington as if performed by a judge, clerk, or deputy clerk of a court...,\" RCW 42.44.150 (1): \"A notarial act has the same effect under the law of this state as if performed by a notary public of this state if performed within the jurisdiction of and under authority of a foreign nation or its constituent units or a multinational or international organization by any of the following persons:â?¨â?¨ (a) A notary public or notary;â?¨â?¨ (b) A judge, clerk, or deputy clerk of a court of record...

In summary, through Washington State\'s recognition of its Territorial beginnings granted by congress under the original constitution and the ongoing Notary Act of 1850, it has maintained an open door to the original organic constitution of the United States of America of 1776 through The Act of May 26, 1790, vol. 1, p, 115, the Supplementary Act of March 27, 1804, vol. 7, p. 153, § 2 and the Notary Act of 1850, its Washington Territorial grant of 1853, and Washington Statehood in 1889.


While Congress adjourned \"sine die\" meaning \"without a day specified for further meeting - indefinitely\", in essence, it put the lights out and went home.  However, the Constitution of 1776 is still on the table, and books and records pursuant to it are still given full faith and credit.  The chain of custody described in this paper demonstrates its viability, because notary publics have performed their duties without interruption effecting private property virtually everywhere with the same force and effect.  End