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Signing the Constitution

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From: TC
To: Bellringer
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 3:54 AM
Subject: Signing the Constitution
The Bellringers and "S",

I continue to enjoy "S's" comments on the "fiction" of government enslavement, but I am still left hanging about what to do to get out of this mess.....legally. If you remember, last year I proposed that every American should sign and notarize an official copy of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, thus becoming a "signatory" thereto in an individual declaration of personal conviction and commitment to the legal framework contained therein. "S" and others still have not risen to this challenge, but it is similar to that of becoming a "free man on the land" in exercising and declaring ones true intent and will. It seems logical to me that doing so would place an individual under the Constitution versus under Statue/Commercial Law and thus limit or eliminate a Statute (Fringe) Courts jurisdiction, that is, the fight would be between a Constitutional Fiction vs a Statute Fiction, with both having no jurisdiction over a Real Man on the Land.

I would appreciate the comments of other learned readers in this legal respect.

And I would like to thank you for your continued posting of multiple sources covering the on-going financial struggle. Each has a piece of the puzzle so it is important to try to put them all together in the bigger picture.

I do have one comment with respect to the BIG Picture in that if every man, women and child on Earth Shan were gifted USD 10M (or equivalent) this is about half of what the Sovereign's wealth is, but the problem lies not in the immediate benefit and relief but what will happen "down the road" unless 'greed" and other negative elements are not properly addressed. In my experience I have seen land and wealth reapportionment schemes implemented in many countries, giving the poor a plot of land and a house only to see them sell everything off years later, spend all the money frivilously and with the original rich being able to recover their lands at a few cents on the dollar. Simply, the Soveriegns have enough left over to recover their losses (gifts) for pennies and thus remain Sovereigns enslaving us....all over again. Tell me this is not another scam. Just ask yourself "what would you do if you had a million dollars right now?" Spend it...right! Now multiply that by 6 billion spenders and a handful of Sovereigns sitting back watching the gorging hords and waiting to "clean up" later.

Please don't get me wrong as I sincerely believe in the coming changes being more beneficial to mankind, it is just more a matter of reality of the situation and the past. It is a time to keep our eyes open wide to everything that's happening., that's all.

May God Bless and be with all of us.