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Eldon Warman

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Eldon Warman" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: SLAVERY__WHO OWNS YOU (5) by 'S'

Again, "s" is missing the bullseye on the target.

It is not by the 14th Amendment that Government has imposed the status of slave upon the American people.

The means by which that is done is the assumption that the legal name with the free will adult creates the 'person' the subject of all Government legislation at all levels of government. The free will man 'accepts' the legal name as being one and the same as him or her self.

From where does this legal name originate?  The parents of a newborn child registers the live birth with the State or County of the State. The parents identify themselves as being one and the same as  the legal name. Thus, as 'persons' - slaves owned by the corporate State, registry means offering up  and acknowledging their child as being the property of the corporate State. The parents give the child  names, but complete the form by inserting the family name in a box that calls for a 'surname'.  The prefix 'sur' means primary, and thus the family name become primary name of the child. This is  fiction. as a family name is not a man's name.

The State then records a 'birth certificate - a monetary value instrument with the State claimed as  intellectual property 'legal name' where the family name is a surname.

Since the State is a corporate body - a make-believe ship at sea, residual State jurisdiction is maritime. Thus, when the child (a vessel under construction in drydock) reaches the age of majority (launching  on the sea of life) the free will mind becomes supreme commander of the vessel, the human body.

That would be the 'sovereign without subjects' referred to by 'S'.

So, to re-capture adult free will man and place him into a position subservient to the corporate state, they had to come up with a scheme.

Part of the scheme is the second 13th Amendment. To see how this was to be used, you must remember that  the State is in maritime law jurisdiction, and a (crew)member of the ship, or make-believe ship if  accused of violating ship's rules is 'guilty' unless proven innocent. Now, let's look at what that  13th Amendment says: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime  whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place  subject to their jurisdiction."

So, what is the crime that 'convicts the man'?  The State does not authorize the use of the State  owned legal name by the free will adult man (male or female). Thus, the use of that State owned  intellectual property, the legal name as found on a birth certificate by the adult man is theft by unauthorized use. That is a felony.

As a backup scheme, the legal maxim arising out of the property right that says: 'an accessory attached to a principal becomes the property of the owner of the principal'. A man becomes an  accessory to the State owned legal name, and thus the property of the corporate State. A man owned as property is of slave status. Although difficult to find a definition for the  legal term 'person', simple deduction says it is an adult man being an accessory to the State  owned name, and thus the property of the State.

Eldon Warman