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Lawful Money of Exchange

Michael Patrick

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Patrick" <>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 5:32 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Here are some links that explain why and how everyone should redeem "lawful-money" of exchange (public money with fixed-value) instead of endorsing (benefiting from) private credit of account (fiat currency with elastic value) offered by the private Federal Reserve System.


Lawful-money of exchange is not just gold or silver coin, it is also the US Note (the video explains this). The lawful (common-law) remedy from involuntary endorsement of the private credit system is written into the Federal Reserve Act and also within Title 12 U.S.C., Section 411. Read it here for yourself


Why bother? Well, fundamentally, once we evidence that we have paid for our dominions via 'lawful-money', we can record a claim on them (even those things which we purchased long-ago can be claimed 'nunc pro tunc', meaning "then for now"). We then properly give notice of our perfected claims to the Federal UNITED STATES (which includes sub-divisions, such as the STATE OF XXXXX, COUNTY OF XXXXX, TOWNSHIP OF XXXXX). The extent to which we exercise our inherent \'right-of-avoidance\' of contracting for any Federal/State benefits or privileges, is the extent to which we avoid the associated duties (No Tickie, No Washey).


When we pay for our dominions/possessions in this manner (lawful money), we acquire the bundle of rights to effect a claim of stewardship-absolute (or in legal terms, ownership in allodium) over those things. Our dominions also include our energy, which in the past we have unwittingly pledged to the private Federal Reserve system as obligation owed for the benefit received. When redeeming lawful money, there is no longer a first-lien on your stuff by the Treasury.


If all local government officials would just realize that participation in the private credit system (accepting monetary benefit from the STATE on behalf of the people of the township) subjects the people to debt-slavery, they could then decline those benefits in good faith. This disclosure/truth starts the process of setting people free from most taxes and the oppressive policing of everything they do.


To explore the matter of 'lawful money' yourself, I suggest you start by viewing these 2 videos, in this order of viewing:

\"Public Money v. Private Credit\"

Link to the article displayed in the first video.


Federal Reserve Act - Remedy" [At about 16 minutes into this one, the back-side of a check is shown whereupon redemption of lawful money is demanded. We have never been stopped from cashing a check with this non-endorsement at any bank. Although floor manager\'s have been called by the teller to enter a certain command into the teller's computer].