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We Are Only Financial Accounts To Be Traded. How Valuable Are You? (Updated Jan. 14, 2009)

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From: CT
To: patrick bellringer
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 8:53 PM
Dear Patrick Bellringer:

"The FOURWINDS10 article, "Police and People Unite" prompted me to send this information:

The following link will provide insight and prove that we are being traded for profit. 

I have pasted the link below. Continue for instructions under the pasted page.
  Symbol Lookup Help
  Please enter search criteria for the stock, mutual fund, index, or annuity you want to lookup:
  Search for:   by: 
  Search Value: 
  You can use Symbol Lookup to find the following for a Stock, Mutual Fund, Index or Annuity:
  the full name of the security
  the trading symbol
  the CUSIP number
  the fund number

This information is provided for information purposes only and should not be used or construed as an indicator of future performance, an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security. Fidelity can not guarantee the suitability or potential value of any particular investment.


Fidelity Investments
©Copyright 1998-2008 FMR LLC.

All rights reserved.Terms of Use.

See where it says ''search for?" Pull down "Mutual fund." See where it says "fund name?" Pull it down to ''fund number.''
THEN in the ''search value'' box type in your birth two digit form...such as 44, 56, 71, etc. After your birth year put a dash (-), then type in your nine digit social security number...with the dashes.
THEN, click ''search.'' Most people will see their Fund name, symbol, CUSIP number, and fund number.
NEXT, click on the symbol. Most people will be sent to a new screen which will give you a quote. A few of us will dead end there. Most people will will be given a quote.
At this point if one has value you will find a link to click which is ''research." NOW, if you are lucky...or unlucky, depending on which way you look at this, you will be taken to a new ''SUMMARY" page outlining you and your value. I have not been able to figure what makes one account more valuable than another. Perhaps someone can help here.
This proves we are only commodities or trades, stocks, etc. Ever wonder why we have this dire financial situation? The rest of the world has been finding out exactly what they have purchased.
Spread the word and the LIGHT,
----- Original Message -----
From: N
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:33 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I recently wrote to ask you about using Fidelity's Bond "PERSON" lookup. You had responed that you were unsuccesful as well. I wanted to let you know that I did figure it out and it is the BD and SS with no spaces and dashes between everything.(exp **-**-**-***-**-****). since I plan on spreading truth I always make sure I am not a spreader of dis-info or anything that will lead a genuin truth seeker in the wrong direction. During my trouble shooting process I learned that you would get the same results if you only put 01-012 in the search box (withot the rest of the #\'S)The first 12 numbers would represent the Jan-Dec.When you search either way, using the 01-012 method or the full BD and SS the Fund number is always the same as the first two numbers.You can also look fund 13,14,15,16,ect. up or 01-012 (or above) with any combonation of #\'s and daashes after the first two digits. Its a little confusing for me to write but the bottom line is this is a horrable prank or !

 we are all grouped together in Funds that segregate us by the month we were born. the latter I find very unlikly and if true still would not provide any concrete evidence linking me or you or anyone else specificly to any idividual fund.

 Thanks again
