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Dear Casper, Poof, Patrick and Anne, Mr. Whistleblower, and All Friends of and Contributors to Fourwinds10.....
This just in this a.m......
THIS is the kind of PEOPLE POWER we need NOW across the LAND of Our Nation, to hold these non-American inhuman demonic Dark Hearts accountable.  
The below article taken from Reuters (apparently a Rothschild controlled organization) goes to the core of the 'criminal just us' system and the whole commercial nature of it.  
Want to know one good reason why the FBI and other goon squads are on 'full action alert' under COINTELPRO (COUNTER INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM) and related other BLACK OPERATIONS against American state nationals ("non US Citizens" who are Non Resident Aliens to the corporate 'UNITED STATES' by intentional acts of 'choice' and certain documentary filings)?  
ALL 'CRIME' IS COMMERCIAL.  THIS IS A FACT OF 'LAW' PER THEIR 'LAW' BY STATUTE.   I WILL DIG OUT THE CITE AND POST.   WHY is alll 'crime' commercial?   In part, but a primary 'reason' is that the System was/is set up as a TOTAL CONTROL SYSTEM, and IT IS SELF-REFERENTIAL, SELF-PROTECTING, AND OPERATES ONLY ON BASIS OF 'SELF INTEREST'.   No other 'interest' of any 'other' is deemed to be 'within' the scope, nature, intent, or effect of that System.
Allegations of 'criminal behavior' and related 'violations' of crminal "statutes" [= 'statues' = 'icons'] and related 'regulations' give rise to 'commerce' and 'commercial activity'.  Just a formal allegation of criminal behavior and 'violation' of their 'icon' (= Diety= Dios) in their comsic and earthly realms of "admiralty" (commercial-maritime-military) "law" gives rise to an 'actionable cause' against the apparent wrong doer as an 'accused'.   It does not matter what the real FACTS and real EVIDENCE are.  
Under an ADMIRALTY SYSTEM, and within its related JURISDICTION AND VENUE, 'jurisprudence' is a matter of principles and Principals 'at law' which are completely void of and contrary to "LAW OF THE LAND" PRECEPTS.   Admiralty-Maritime "Law of the Sea" operates on a 'topdown' 'chain of command' basis which has nothing fundamentally to do with Law of the Land "Republic" principles, where the true Principals are the People.    Law of the Sea was never intended by We the People to operate "ON" or "WITHIN"  the LAND of the Original Jurisdiction and Original Venue of the People, or to supercede the Original Rules thereof.   The Law of the Sea was to be kept 'at sea', between 'sovereigns' and 'sovereign nation states'.  
I have not done the research on this myself, but years ago I was informed by one who I considered a reliable researcher that, when the INTERNAL or 'INSULAR' land area of the several United States of America (a Republic, not a 'democracy') was being mapped and surveyed, with all of its INTERNAL WATERSHED, the mapping etc was performed by none other than the US Department of the Navy.   I do not know when this occurred, and the U.S. Coast Guard and Geological Survey may have been involved.  If anyone reading this has definitive facts on this subject, please clarify any unintended misrepresentations I may make on this.   The highest land point within these several united States of America, was set at Pike's Peak on the western 'Continental Divide', and Origi, especially when from 'top down' the nature and character of the constructive scheme is TOTALLY CORRUPT, as is the current case within THE UNITED STATES and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, both 'federal corporations', both 'foreign to the United States of America', the organic Republic, most all power centers and admiralty jurisdictions,   The Bonding process on 'charging insruments' creates appearance of 'negotiable instruments' and/or 'securities', which are constructed on "presumptive conclusions" in fraud.   The US (us)Courts and the 'DoJ', FBI, US Attorney General and subsidiary corporations of the various "Federal District" US Attorneys and various 'State' equivalents (all being subjurisdiction 'instrumentalities' and/or 'subcorporations' thereof) are all part of the "EXTORTIONATE OF CREDIT"  scheme.   This is primary extortion, which relies on creation of 'fictitious obligations' against 'DEFENDANTS' which are deemed also to be 'U.S. citizen' 'persons' and U.S. 'vessels' on the high seas of admiralty commerce.   So, when a DEFENDANT is charged, the 'vessel' is seized, and the 'owner', proxy for the presumed owner, or the 'fiduciary' (agent for the owner and therefor the 'vessel') is the one who 'does the time and pays the fine' for alleged violations of admiralty statutes and regulations which are strictly commercial in nature.   When 'violations' are raised on 'charging instruments' against any 'vessel' as DEFENDANT, the burden of proof under LAW OF THE SEA is exactly the opposite LAW OF THE LAND.   The 'accused' DEFENDANT bears the burden of proof and 'preponderance of evidence', with admissible FACTS in support, that the vessel did not violate with intent the statutes alleged.   This burden is almost impossible to overcome.   If the presumed 'fiduciary' enters responsive pleadings or other filings that create a material issue regarding jurisdiction and authority of the Court and therefore the UNITED STATES, a 'federal corporation' domicled and doing business as the District of Columbia, the Court will almost inevitably dismiss as 'frivolous' such filings, but not in all cases.    The difference has to do with ones 'status, standing, capacity' and ability to demonstrate prior filing of certain documents and instruments of record and Account, which the CORPORATION cannot overcome within its own admiralty courts.   This entails having to file into any given 'federal' or State criminal matter as a "Third Party of lnterest Intervener" who is being injured by the 'attacment' and presumptive conclusions of the UNITED STATES against a DEFENDANT (which is a U.S. Administrative Agent/Agency and perpetual DEBTOR in Bankruptcy). 
This same DEBTOR-DEFENDANT 'person' and U.S. 'citizen' is their 'ens legis' commercial fiction creation, which was created on undisclosed material and constructive events by various means of 'REIFICATION', ATTORNMENT, WRONGFUL CONVERSION, IDENTITY THEFT, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, SLAVERY, EXTORTION, FRAUD BY INDUCEMENT, FRAUD BY MISREPRESENTATION, DECEPTION, ARTIFICE AND SCHEME, EXTORTION AND EXTORTIONATE OF 'FAITH AND CREDIT" of the real man who, by such methods and means, comes under their 'presumptive' 'law' conclusions in 'municpal' 'commutarian' 'commercial' 'franchise' 'public trust' and 'general welfare' operations, which Courts operate almost exclusively under Article IV authority of their CORPORATE CONSTITUTION.   The only seemingly bona fide Constitutional Court having Article III capacity is the INTERNATIONAL COURT OF TRADE in NYC.    Bonds and other related negotiable instrument 'fictitious obligations' which evidence only debt or indebtedness 'presumptive obligations' against convicted, 'plea bargained', or 'detained' (charged or not charged) DEFENDANT-DEBTORS are traded quietly on the Mercantile-Commodity Exchanges.   Bonds may be tracked on a certain Commercial Instrument data base and tracking system.   This has been written about by others posting to FourWinds. 
This information has only come to light in the past year or so.  Wonder why Cheney et al. are all involved in 'jack booted' criminal law enforcement and 'penalty' industry commercial enterprises under contract to the federal and State corporate 'governments'?  Under the current scheme, it is BIG business, controlled by and for the benefit of those who are 'in the know' and who benefit as primary or secondary shareholders, through 'proxies' or 'front' franchise operations which own and control interest in these 'criminal enterprise' operations.    Just as war and genocide and 'national security' STATE and police STATE commercial activity, employment, and monetary credit extortion, converted at the top back into some form of 'substance' is part of the 'Domestic National Product', so is the 'criminal justice' or 'just us' System.   Everything at law is Bonded and Insured, and all 'charges' are a form of 'securitized' Instrument that goes through the Banker's window at the Clerk's Office of every court floating on the water which is over the land.  Clerk's of court are bankers and banker's agents.   They are also fiduciaries, and have fiduciary duties to more than just the courts that they are enjoined by contract to.    
As far as they are concerned, 'law', 'law breaking', 'prosecution', court proceedings, etc. is all 'for profit and gain'.  The judges are all in on it.  The 'agents' which form or develop 'criminal profiles' and 'evidence in support', are all part of it.   They all get a piece of the Title 18, Title 26 and related 'State' criminal' and 'tax' Code 'violations', even from the first piece of commercial paper that gets 'tendered' to any commercial 'pit trading' 'judge', who reviews the 'tender' [as commercial OFFER TO CONTRACT backed by commercial Bond of the Offeror, the UNITED STATES].   The 'judge' exists, within this 'scheme' to enjoin the services of the 'court' by contract/joinder, to the party making the OFFER, which is the UNITED STATES.  Because the various CORPORATIONS of the DOJ, US COURTS, FBI, DEA, ETC. ETC., the 'Agents' as 'U.S. citizen' 'persons' who are all deemed under 5 USC 552 a(a)13 'federal personnel' and have 'commercial franchise' character and nature, even if not actual directly 'employed' by the FEDERAL STATE, all serve the same EXTORTION scheme.   Their sole purpose, and the 'ethic' of their 'work' is to create 'criminals' and 'criminal acts' which are construed to be in 'violation' of their CORPORATE STATUTES AND REGULATIONS, which then leads to 'search, seizure,, and 'arrest' of 'vessels', and subsequent related 'detainer' transfer of commercial liability to the owner, proxy, procuratory, surety, or 'fiduciary' of the US vessel.
This is why "S" has a wife in the slammer for 'causes' that are a total fabrication of the Agent and his respondent superiors and the related US Attorney and the heirarchy of 'law enforcement' and 'law making' operatives......everyone involved is 'in' on the 'take'.....Congress included.  All of the lower 'federal' and State courts are directly related to other higher up federal corporate Appellate Courts or higher.  The lower courts are subsidiary wholly owned corporate franchises and act as 'business portals' or 'ports of entry' for 'new commerce' funneled from the lower courts to the higher courts.  The whole alleged 'judicial system', is a total SHAM and has nothing to do with 'law' or 'just administration of law'.   THERE IS NO LAW, other than what serves the 'interest', 'benefit', and 'necessity' of the UNITED STATES, a federal CORPORATION, and those who own and control IT'S APPARAT.    IT is international in scope and nature.   It is a primary  'head' of the BEAST which is consuming the resources and 'substance' of the entire planet......sucking it dry of Planetary Life Force.  SLAVERY, GENOCIDE, CONSTANT WAR, CONQUEST, ASSIMILATION ARE FULLY COMMERCIALLY ACCEPTABLE BUSINESS PRACTICES.....ANY OTHER QUESITONS? 
I have read Casper's most recent report and Call to Action, wholly support him and his Call, and make a Second Call, and give NOTICE AND DEMAND that We the People must come One and "Make Whole Again" this Consciousness THAT We Are, or We will not survive long from this time forth.  Those of you who are NOW well buffered and have a 'comfort zone' that others of us do not, are not going to have your 'comfort zone' for very long, IF YOU/WE do not act NOW.  The NOW is the NWO, so this time is the 'time of reckoning' where one either stands up for what is Right and Good and Honorable and an Expression of Life and the Law of ONE, the Higher Realms of the Lighted Host, or not.  Decide NOW.  'They' are hollowing out the entire economy, sucking the very life substance out of all of the markets, not just the financial markets.   And the substance sucking is now so strong, it sounds like a 'northwester' blowing down through the high Rockies....and it is cold.
 The World of and 'in' which you live, is an expression of your own 'state' of Heart-Mind-Being.....and We must accept and take resonsibility for ALL of IT, or we will always be 'defeated' and seemingly a victim of our own worst nightmares.   The nightmare is upon us, friends, and it is time to WAKE UP and ACCEPT WHAT WE HAVE CREATED IN OUR IGNORANCE, APATHY, ADHERENCE TO FALSE BELIEFS, FALSE IDELOGIES, AND OUR REACTIVE DESIRE TO BE 'SECURE' 'COMFORTABLE' 'SATISFIED', WHILE WE INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY AND LITERALLY "BURY" OURSELVES IN DENIAL and DISTRACTION FROM WHAT REALLY AILS THE INDWELLING DIVINE SPIRIT OF EACH AND EVERY MAN.  
NOW, DECIDE.  PLEASE TAKE AS LITTLE TIME AS POSSIBLE.  YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW, AND NOW, AND NOW.  We are the land stewards of the Earth, and We have not done our job thus far todate.   I implore each and every one who reads this to consider how one may find some way to show a change of heart and move into the core of the 'grid' of the BEAST en masse, without any form of violence or intent to be violent, but in pro-active ways to neutralize their on-going rampage against the American Union and the lands of the People thereof. 
You are They.  We are One Heart-Mind-Consciousness.  So Be It.  So It Is.