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'S' Response to Questions by WJ

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From: "Wj"

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 5:31 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Dear,Patrick could you or "s" tell me the proper steps to take to  have a house loan or car loan zeroed out by the banks and do either of you know the name of any banks that do not require a ss# to open an account.

sincerely WJ.


----- Original Message -----

From:  S


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 2:21 PM

Subject: Re: Fw: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear WJ:

Thank you for writing.  Your question(s) are most relevant, but cannot be  easily answered or remedied.  The commercial process is at work in every  form of 'credit' contract and agreement, and that is the basis for the presumption of 'due obligation' and 'duty to perform'.  I suggest you visit and contact those folks for more information on

your inquiry.  They are extremely competent and honorable educators, do not give legal advice, nor 'practice law'.  They are 'law merchants' and understand quite well your issues and your 'remedies' should you desire to 'reinstate' your self back into 'original jurisdiction' of the united states of America.  There are many others who teach same/similar subject matter and commercial processes, but these are the best and most trustworthy that I know of.

Once again, that is:

As for banks that are willing to open accounts without SSAN, as long as you are deemed a 'citizen' of the United States, in their eyes, you 'should have' a SSAN.  That is the commercial 'franchise' person, which NAME is a 'vessel', which appears on the driver license you carry in your possession. The NAME of Account is not you, but the fiction created by the CORPORATION to extort your labor, Liberty Rights, your "faith and credit", and your capacity to act as an undisclosed  'compelled fiduciary'  of/for the UNITED STATES, on their franchise operating in that NAME.

The banks deal with commercial 'vessels' or 'citizen' 'residents' of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, but you can compel a bank to open an account w/o SSAN, because it is a fact of law that there is no requirement that anyone participate in Socialist Security or apply for a license/card.  I will follow this up by posting an Affidavit and Memorandum For Persons Demanding

Social Security Number, and it will blow your mind.  In the meantime, you would have to deny and object the banker's presumption that there is a law which requires 'all persons' to have a SSAN, either for government agency purposes, or for 'identity', which is, according to their own laws and court cases, illegal.  SSAN and cards are not for 'identity' purposes and no one can compel they be produced.  Banks and agencies may be under 'policy' to request you provide one, but, if you rebut, object, counter, stating that you do not 'have' or 'use' one, and that you still wish to open a non interest bearing account w/o a SSAN, they really have to perform.

This is usually done on a standard US Treasury Form W8BEN, which is also constructively deficient by design and intent to entrap the person filling out the form into the presumption of being 'within the United States'/District of Columbia.

You would not be a 'beneficial owner', amongst other things, presenting on their standard Treasury Form.  The bank is a commercial enterprise of the CORPORATION/DOC-UNITED STATES, and is an 'occupational' commercial instrumentality of the occupier.  It is there to create new debt and serve as a commercial vessel and transfer agent for your commercial transactions run through the bank, for the benefit of the CORPORATION/UST and its creditors, FRBS, and its owners, and other undisclosed foreign and domestic 'principals'.

Go to and read up on all of this.  The 'About W8BEN' is a good document and educational brief to read before you go further.  That site is also excellent for getting trained up on the subject.  You really cannot just go about getting a credit card or especially any installment loan or mortgage 'agreement' zero'd out, unless you have proper status, standing,capacity, and training to do more than just seek debt relief.  Debt relief is a challenge to say the least, and there are many who will take your FRN's in order to assist you.  I will make no recommendations on that subject, because it is not the level of the process that I work at nor that need be addressed.

I suggest you google the subject and see what you come up with.  Sorry, but I cannot get more involved in this question under these conditions.