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Admiralty Flag (Updated May 7, 2008)

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From: "Kd"

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 8:04 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


hello central, i have learned of how our courts are just admiral courts and that the WAR time flags in our courts all have a yellow fringe around the edges. Well today i was watching a little tv and the Colbert show was just starting. I have seen the show many times before, but this time i noticed something very strange. during the opening sequence you will see a brief glimpse of Steven Colbert waiving an American flag, just for a split second. well i was quite supprised not only to see red white and blue, but GOLD!!!.an admiralty flag. They waive it right in front of our faces, i was just disgusted. im sure most people dont even know the difference. but i am supprised no one else has seemed to notice this. i have several pictures of this if you would like to put them on fourwinds10,just email me. i would be overcome with joy if i were able to share it with the other readers. it just goes to show you how much our programing is controlled. the only way i was able to get pictures of it was to buy an episode through my xbox and take a pictures of it with my phone. there are absolutely no videos or pictures that can be found of the opening scenes on you tube or google. thank you for everything you do.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Kd

DATE: May 6, 2008


Dear Kd:

Yes, send us the pictures of Colbert waving the Admiralty flag. All churches, schools, public buildings also use this same flag.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


From: Kd

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 3:10 AM

Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Here are four pictures of Colbert and the admiralty flag. i hope people will see that everything is controlled in the media and that there are no tv personalities that can be looked up to for any real truth. looking forward to see if this will start any discussions about this on the net.

----- Original Message -----


----- Original Message -----
From: MM
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 10:23 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Hello Patrick,

Always I am most grateful and I honor you and Annie for your hard work. I'm not often moved to voice my opinion, but a recent posting caught my attention and so I humbly submit my view:

I would like to commend KD for bringing to our attention the issue of the history and usages of the American flag. I have recently discovered the U.S. civil flag of peacetime - - and have been sewing a few together for my friends and family.

What concerns me, however, is the context that is used by KD to frame this issue. My admiration for Stephen Colbert notwithstanding, I believe that there is always much more behind these issues than the "3D" facts, so to speak. After all, the flag itself is merely a symbol and to quote George Carlin "I prefer to leave symbols to the symbol minded".

I won't spend much time arguing that Stephen Colbert and John Stewart are indeed Champions for Peace and Justice, as I believe truth stands on its own merit, however here's a few great videos (not from their shows): Colbert at the White House press corps dinner part 1:

Part 2:

John Stewart's appearance on CNN's Crossfire:

I have sometimes wondered what would happen if they chose to use their airtime to bring up “issues” such as the 911 cover up and Fed reserve banking cartels, and the new info on CORPORATE US etc. I think it’s pretty obvious that they would have been “railroaded” off the air in one way or another long ago if that were the case. However, I don’t hold that against them, because I believe their integrity has been proven to be even Greater for choosing to work within the confines of “conventional” TV. As I read and felt KD’s hasty angry/disgusted tone, I was remined that we have a massive disclosure happening NOW, and those of us who haven’t done our homework for the last few years are due for many more Jolts of Awakening frenzy in the coming months.

Keep holding that frequency!
