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Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 4:41 PM
Subject: 1875 certificate of indebtedness of peru
Dear Mr. Whistleblower,
I see that you are well veresed in many areas.  I wanted to know if you would be able to tell me who now has to pay the debt on the certificate of indebtness.  Also what is the true value of this certificate if it has any value at all?  If your not familiar with this document where would I be able to go to get more information on this topic.  Thank you for your time.
----Original Message-----
From:  Whistleblower
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 3:36 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: 1875 certificate of indebtedness of peru

Dear Mr. P,

Thank you for your communication via, of which the comments / questions are duly noted.

With respect to your good self, this may appear to be a simple question, but in fact the answer is very complex. I will however attempt to answer your questions wherever possible.

Question 1:       "I wanted to know if you would be able to tell me who now has to pay the debt on the certificate of indebtness". 

The first issue here is that one must review the Certificate with all its accompanying documents, and analyse its content / substance. This is similar to any Government / Banking issued Instrument, Bond, Certificate, all of which hold very different characteristics and legal meanings, and for which there are usually many additional documents associated with the issuance of such Certificates / Instruments.

The fact that I have not seen or reviewed this particular Certificate makes it difficult for me to answer your question in a manner that specifically relates to this Certificate.

I can however give an opinion based upon the general principles of such matters that were applied to assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, of which the Peruvian Certificate is just one of many.

Let us first look at the wording "Certificate of Indebtedness". In legal terms this is clarified as "Owing Money or Gratitude", "Being Grateful". It therefore stands to reason that this Certificate may not be an actual "Certificate of Debt".

I will attempt to explain the above.

Over many years, sometimes centuries, countries loaned assets to other countries which were usually countries that were part of colonies and were associated, related, or otherwise to the Lending Country. The assets were never moved to the "Borrowing" Country, but blocked in favour of the "Borrowing" country, within the Lending Countries Bank(s) (Probably the Central Bank if there was one at the time). The "Borrowing Country would issue a "Certificate of Indebtedness" to the Lending Country.

The assets, via paper transactions, would then be utilized by the "Borrowing Country". Utilization means utilization, it does not imply that the assets could be sold, transferred, assigned, or similar, but it does depend upon the wording of such Certificates and the accompanying documents, hence why it is necessary to review and analyse the said Certificate and accompanying documents.

This principle was applied in a very similar way regarding assets designated by the Countries (Nations) of the World to the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. The word "Assets" means "Property that has a value". This, in turn could mean Gold, Silver, Platinum, Land, Precious Gems, Mineral Deposits, annual income, Debt Certificates owned by the Designating Country, or similar.

There were many Countries that designated Assets to the Combined International Collateral Accounts, under "Certificates of Indebtedness" because the assets could not actually be moved (Fixed and Immovable assets), whereby such assets would probably have been Land, Mineral Deposits, and the likes. Unlike other Countries who held Gold, Silver, Platinum, Precious Gems etc within the vaults of Banks, whereby such assets as Gold, were moved from the designating Country to a Third Country under Custodian Depository Terms. Where Countries issued "Certificates of Indebtedness", such Certificates were physically (Later Electronically) moved to the major Custodian Depository Banks such as the Federal Reserve, Swiss National Bank, Bank of England, etc.

To give you an example of this. There are numerous Islands (as a group) sitting on vast "Tapped" but un-exploited Oil deposits, which they as individual islands own as a Collective of Islands. Each Island issued a "Certificate of Indebtedness" to the Combined International Collateral Accounts based upon its oil wealth at the time. Such Certificate allows the Combined International Collateral Accounts to utilize the Oil as collateral against loans to third party Countries, which it does.

I will now explain how the latter is applied.

When such assets are utilized by the Combined International Collateral Accounts in favour of another Country, it will be for a specific amount and specific term period, whereby the Country legally has to issue a Certificate or, Certificates of Indebtedness to the Combined International Collateral Accounts. Such Certificates can be in many forms, even to the point of appearing to be in the form of a Country's Currency. These are what we refer to as "Obligation Certificates or Notes", which have a value equal to the value utilized by the "Borrowing Country, plus a Custodian Fee which is payable to the Country actually holding the physical assets behind any issued Certificate.

When the term period expires, the "Borrowing Country" advises the Combined International Collateral Accounts of same, the major debt is therefore extinguished. The "Obligation Notes" are usually destroyed, except for the "Obligation Notes" covering the Custodian Fee. The Custodian Fee is usually transmitted, or passed to the Combined International Collateral Accounts and further forwarded to the Custodian Country, and then the balance of any "Obligation Notes" is destroyed.

In this way the "Borrowing Country" has serviced its problem, and in doing so it has paid a Custodian Fee to Custodian Country. A point here to remember is that the "Borrowing Country" never knows what Country is the "Custodian Country, thus preventing "Back Door" Fraud.

All these transactions are bound in Legal Agreements of which an original copy is always held with the original "Certificate of Indebtedness" or "Obligation Notes" even though they may be held in different locations under different Custodians, and different Signatories. It is all held on record within the Combined International Collateral Accounts.

I refer back to the Peruvian "Certificate of Indebtedness".

Based upon my knowledge and in the vast majority of cases, I believe that the Peruvian "Certificate of Indebtedness" may just be one of these situations (as defined within the previous two paragraphs), which would mean that it is not an actual "Certificate of Debt" issued by Peru, but an assets value designated by Peru, to the Combined International Collateral Accounts.

I could actually give more examples, but based upon the majority of cases, I can be reasonably comfortable in allocating the above to the Peruvian situation, as it also applies to many other Countries within the South American Continent and other parts of the World.

Question 2:       "Also what is the true value of this certificate if it has any value at all? "

It certainly holds a value which can only be calculated based upon what assets were actually behind the Certificate and their present day value, or assessed valued based upon present day prices.

Unfortunately, I do not know the answer as to its present day value, as these matters are handled by others whereby it is not within my authority to involve myself with same.

Question 3:       "If your not familiar with this document where would I be able to go to get more information on this topic."

For any Third Party outside the scope of the Combined International Collateral Accounts, not holding at least a Level 3 International / UN Security Classification, obtaining further information is impossible. These matters are all held "Secret" between Nations, and are never disclosed to third parties.

There are only a few people in the World that have knowledge of, have access to, or are eligible persons under "Secrecy" laws and the Content of numerous International Treaties. Even I, not that I would ever try, cannot gain access to such information, but occasionally it may just be passed to me via our Chairman.

I regretfully therefore have to answer you with the simplest of answers, being, Totally Impossible. I cannot even advise you where to go because without the authority, Security classification and internal relationship, you would, unfortunately, not even get to the main entrance doors. I apologise about that but it is the system, a system that has been held "Secret" between Nations for many, many years, and will probably remain that way for many, many years to come.

I need to advise you that the last person who attempted to find out information, some years ago I have to add, was a Central Bank Officer, who accessed the accounts and printed off a full Screen Print. He was eventually found dead, again under suspicious circumstances, but as this was in a Developing World Country, it was passed over quite quickly and the file closed.

Please be very careful if you pursue this matter to depths that are not open to most people as it can only bring danger to yourself and your family.

I will not go into the question of V.K. Durham and the Peruvian Certificate, as the good lady is totally unaware of the real situation, not being informed either by her Father or Grandfather, nor understanding how, and for what, the Durham Trust was actually formed all those years ago.

I will say however, that if she was the real owner of the Peruvian Certificate, as claimed, she would be the richest woman in the world, whereby for any one person to own such wealth would definitely not be allowed, as same is far too dangerous for the World at large if ever the person turned out to be a murderous, vindictive, greedy Dictator. We have all seen this in the past and I am sure we do not want to see it again in the future hence why, being only part of the answer / reason, the Combined International Collateral Accounts were established

If one looks at the "Deeds of Assignment" that are issued by Durham Trust, you will immediately appreciate that such methods are NOT how things are done, and no bank in the World would accept such documents being transferred by hand, and would certainly request full proof of ownership of the underlying collateral. Yes, the US Government, or specific persons thereof, would be able to use the document, because all they need is the Authority of the Custodian based upon the fact that they actually hold, as Custodians, the original Certificate. Then they can work illegally with conspiring banks without anyone knowing, except for the fact that V.K. Durham has enlightened us all on such illegal use and illegal activities, for which we are grateful.

A similar situation exists with the Philippines, whereby Filipinos fervently believe that the wealth held in that country under the Custodianship of Ferdinand Marcos, as President of the Philippines, is in fact Marcos's wealth. This is definitely not the case, totally misrepresentative of real fact, untrue and holds no foundation whatsoever. Unfortunately past Governments and even the Marcos family perpetuate this myth / situation for the pursuit of their own goals. There is a Foundation containing the Custodian Fee for assets used which are deposited in the Philippines. That Foundation is for and on behalf of the people, not the personal possession of the Marcos Family or any other person or party.

This is what we refer to as deceptive use of the assets, as well as all the illegal use of the assets that has been perpetrated over decades. Innocence and ignorance of the people combined with the Total Secrecy of all of this is the major cause of the deception, and certainly cause beyond any reasonable doubt, for the illegal use of the assets.

I advise that we (myself and colleagues), are strongly pursuing changes to prevent all of this from continuing, which takes up a lot of our valuable time, as we need to ensure that we are allowed maximization of our efforts to assist the Nations and People of the World.

Finally, I hope I have not confused you, but if I have and you require further clarification, please feel free to communicate again.

Yours faithfully
