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Dan Rather Reports, Excerpt from 'Barofsky'

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Dan Rather Reports, Excerpt from "Barofsky"
An in-depth interview with Neil Barofsky, who recently stepped down as the Special Inspector General for TARP, more commonly known as the $700 billion dollar taxpayer bailout of the country's biggest banks. Barofsky warns that the safeguards that are supposed to be in place to help avoid another bank meltdown are woefully insufficient --that another, bigger crisis could be right around the corner.
A Year Later, Barofsky Sees a 'Far More Dangerous' Financial Situation
Dylan Ratigan interviews Neil Barofsky about bailouts. 91% of bailout money went to Wall Street
Barofsky Says U.S. `Hopelessly Naive' on Bank Bailouts
Bailouts And The Foreclosure Crisis: Report Of The Special Inspector General For The Troubled

June 10, 2011