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PUBLIC NOTICE: The IRS and Worshipping False Gods

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Page 1 of IRS letter

Page 2 of IRS letter

Response Cover Letter

Response Page 1 of 3

Response Page 2 of 3

Response Page 3 of 3

Reservation of Rights text

Let's face it folks, we have been trained, conditioned and brain-washed since childhood to react to fear-filled situations with non-thinking reactive fear by being combatative, adversarial and antagonistic. We are taught to fight or war even though these negative action modes are contrary to productive cooperative efforts. The Satanic spirit and mind-set loves adversarial positions because in such it always wins. If we are to build and have a prosperous and successful society we MUST let go of indoctrination to be combatative and embrace a NEW mode of constructive cooperative existence. Failure to do this will be a perpetuation of the existing mindless and soulless practices that have created the nightmare we all experience from day to day. These documents are an attempt to engage with our government and other organizations in a non-combative mode and to change the nature of the relationship in a way founded in Light, Life and Love, that we all may have a good and wholesome life experience - not just some of us.

Turning Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones

The essence of this exchange with the IRS is not about their unfounded and groundless accusations or their abuse of the power We The People granted them through our representative Congress or their continuous attempts to intimidate or terrorize. Neither is it about the alledged illegalities which are of no fact or consequence. At issue here is the nature of malevolent use of mindless, heartless and soulless abuse of FORCE in our present society and the transformation of our current experience into a better experience for everyone.

Who is Destroying Whom?

It could be rightly said Hitler, Mao or Stalin never actually killed anyone with their own two bare hands. These socio-psychopaths created organizations of people willing to do their bloody killings of millions of their family, friends and neighbors for them. These organizations were such because of the people they hired to follow the rules for a paycheck. These conscienceless drones, minions and peons turned off their rational minds and feeling hearts to perform their bloody duties. It can be accurately stated these 9 to 5 minions worshipped, obeyed and supported false gods of boss, rules, corporate or agency Mission Statements, job description and paycheck. These false gods were put in place by the organization owners/controllers for minion focus and control purposes. Without the non-thinking and non-feeling willing efforts of the false god worshipping 9 to 5 minions NONE of those slaughtered millions would have been damaged, imprisoned or killed. The obedient and mindless minions give their personal power over to the organization and its false gods thereby empowering and enabling mass extermination of their own families, friends and neighbors. The rationalizations of these minions is founded in atheistic materialism which holds human beings are nothing more than soulless parasites, viruses or accidental freaks of nature therefore it is right and their duty to turn the gas valve or pull the trigger. The power then that is and maintains these evil and satanic destroyer organizations of humanity in place is nothing other than the willingness of the 9 to 5 minions to "just do their job" according to the dictates of their false gods. Should these people learn who they are and grow a heart and conscience and refuse to be the trigger man or woman for the owner/controller psychopaths these terrible centers of horror and human destruction would evaporate over night. This principle was used by Gandhi to bring the mighty British Empire to its knees without firing a shot. We don't want to bring down government - we just want it and its 9 to 5 minions to obey the laws and safeguard our precious rights which are our most valuable property. My work with Sympathetic Vibratory Physics absolutely destroys the false and bogus atheistic materialism false god paradigm.

Way Out

 Not every 9 to 5 minion is heartless and soulless. Some actually hate doing what they feel they are being forced (by their false gods) to do. They want desperately a way out. The Reservation of Rights contained herein is their moral, legal and lawful way out. A false god is an outside authority appearing to be real and powerful. The real God speaks to each and every person from within through their conscience. The 9 to 5 minion of good conscience can then say when the order to release the gas or inact something abusive to their family, friends or neighbors "Sorry, I cannot do that. We are under legal and enforceable contract obligation to "acknowledge, honor, guarantee, and defend in perpetuity MY, YOUR and THEIR rights".

Therefore, the IRS cannot use my response or any information that it contains without concurrently they "acknowledge, honor, guarantee, and defend in perpetuity MY and YOUR rights"

IRS Letter page 1

Please note the following "federal request for personal information" does not contain a valid OMB number. Therefore one is not required to respond to it. I chose to respond to it because the matter is clear and unequivocal and the offering of my response brought into legal reality the Reservation of Rights found on page 3 of my response.

IRS Letter page 2

Cover Letter

Response Cover Letter

The following three page document was duly copyrighted and notorized making it a legal and enforceable document.

Affidavitt: written declaration made under oath; a written statement sworn to be true before someone legally authorized to administer an oath.

Response page 1 of 3

Response page 2 of 3

Response page 3 of 3

Certified Delivery Confirmation 7009 1410 0000 0687 4421

Certified Delivery Confirmation 7009 1410 0000 0687 4414

Please note the second half of this Reservation of Rights beginning with the words "By receiving, or reading or accepting or using...". This section of the Reservation of Rights is the acceptance of the document and its information offered and these concurrent obligations to acknowledge, honor, guarantee, and defend in perpetuity MY and YOUR  rights - not just some of our rights but ALL of our  rights and not just mine but everyone's  rights. This section is as an adhesion contract much as we see when using software or certain web sites that binds user party to it. In essence what this paragraph says is the IRS by receiving, or reading or accepting or using any information in this document they "acknowledge, honor, guarantee, and defend in perpetuity MY and YOUR rights". This is a legal and enforceable contract. Is that not what we all want - a servant government that honors us and our  rights? Will the IRS honor these contractual obligations? Doubtful but then who really knows? This adhesion contract binds everyone who receives it to join in a peaceful, cooperative and collaborative effort to "acknowledge, honor, guarantee, and defend in perpetuity YOUR and everyone else's  rights".

One could use this paragraph (I hereby release copyright of it to the Public Domain) on all communications with corporations, banks, credit card companies, official documents, letters to lawyers, attorneys, mortgage companies, courts and government agencies. Bind them all to the law and a peaceful, cooperative and collaborative effort which includes acknowledging, honoring and defending your and everyone else's  rights. In using the paragraph simply fill in the blanks with the name of who you send it to. Leave the url attached so they can read this research informational document and understand.

Reservation of Rights text

All rights reserved UCC 1-308 - In submitting this document or any other communication written or verbal to the __________________________  and or et al I reserve all my rights, waiving none, in accordance with my right to so reserve them under UCC 1-308, including but not limited to my Natural Rights, Civil Rights, Common Law Rights, Constitutional Rights, Statutory Rights and all rights under Equity, Maritime and or Admiralty law. I waive no rights of any kind, type or species now or any time in the future whether claimed or stated or not. By receiving, or reading or accepting or using, in any manner or purpose whatsoever, this document or its contained information or any other submitted documents, by any means or for purposes whatsoever, including communications of any nature or kind, the __________________________ and or et al, its employees, agents, agencies, staff and assigns affirms and avows it acknowledges, honors and will guarantee and defend in perpetuity to me and all others, all these rights in all actions, communications and associations of whatever nature with myself, my assigns and any others, in all regards whatsoever, abrogating, voiding, ignoring or diminishing none of these rights in any way whatsoever at any time or under any circumstances whatsoever herein or not herein specified.

For supporting documentation see

Adhesion Contract

Contract Law

Corbin on Contracts Hailed as "the greatest law book ever written,"

Offer and Acceptance

Terms of Use explained

Disclaimer: It is obvious this legal principle could be abused for selfish or nefarious purposes. Therefore I disclaim any responsibility in how, why, when or where someone may use or abuse it. Use it at your own risk and under your own personal responsibility. Using this information means you intend and do use it as you would want others to use it. I am not responsible for how anyone may use or abuse this researched information. Nothing in the above information constitutes "legal advise" but is an expression tendered for continuing research and informational purposes only.

June 7, 2011