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WTF? (What Fraud?)

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With all the noises about imminent subpoenas (subpoenas not criminal indictments) it is not surprising that Wall Street's MSM shills and unapologetic defenders are coming out of their master's cracks to bark at all those "conspiracy theorists" who have the gumption to accuse bankstas of criminal behavior.

That's right, conspiracy theorists!

If you have the temerity to accuse Wall Street of criminal fraud, you are in the same league as flying saucerists, Kennedy assassination buffs, WTC conspiracy lunatics, Illuminut-jobs, Fukushimi Rolls and Silver hoarders (not that there is anything wrong with any of that).  

The latest was by a guy named Roger Lowenstein, who ironically is the son of a retired Wall Street lawyer who became a very well known academic critic of the ways of The Street. He has the gall to characterize the growing popular cacophony for Wall Street indictments as a "conspiracy theory." 

My purpose here is not to argue about the primary reasons for so called "popular conspiracy theories," such as lack of transparency and truth for example.  So all you Trolls kindly remain seated.

We can make this Wall Street crime spree concept very very complicated or we can keep it simple.

I published that complicated mortgage note chart last fall and it is still getting page hits on ZH. Last count it was over 40,000 views. Since then, nothing has gotten any simpler in this moronic mortgage morass.

But agan, lets just try and keep it simple for these emergent Wall Street shill douche bags shall we?


May 26, 2011